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I'm in my room on my phone when Mom walks in "Hey kiddo" she says "Your Dad's coming today" I get up "W-What?" I ask nervously "I talked to my attorney and we made the meeting official, once a month like he suggested. Jade, I know you might not be happy about this, but, please give it a shot" she tells me "Fine, I will" I say "When's he coming over?" "5 minutes" she says as she walks out of the room "Relax, Taylor and I will be here" I smile as she walks out of the room and I text the GC
J💓: guys... I'm meeting w/my dad today
Em🤪: shit u ok
Nate: Seriously Em what do u think
Mads: guys stop fighting and support Jade
Em: yes mom
Mads: 🙄
Ry-guy: u 2 r unbelievable sometimes
Jade: 😂
Matt😍: do u want me to come over
Jade💓: thanks 4 the offer bby but i think im good
Em🤪:can u guys quit fucking around like damn we get it ur in love
Jade💓: Shut up 😭 I gtg he's here
Matt: good luck 😍😘
Jade💓: thanks ily guys
Time skip........
I walk downstairs and see him and my mom "Ok... I'll be in the kitchen, Jade, call me if you need anything"  Mom says as she walks away "So kiddo, let's sit down, shall we?" Lüc asks me as I sit on the couch and he sits next to me "You're 14 right?" He asks "Almost 15, February 19th" I tell him "Ok... nicknames?" "My friends and boyfriend call me J... so does everyone else" "You have a boyfriend?" Lüc asks "Yeah, Matt, he's 15, same grade. We're in 9th" I say "Oh ok, I wanted to make sure your relationship wasn't illegal" he says I scoff "and yours wasn't? My mom was 16 and you were what, 25? That's not illegal to you? How old are you now anyway?" I ask "I'm 41" "Oh ok" I say "So you're a performer?" He asks me "Yeah" I say "Do you write songs or perform covers?" "Both, most of the covers I perform are my moms though" "I'm sorry about everything, that I wasn't in your life before" he says "It's ok.. I guess" I say we keep on talking for a little while until the meeting ends
Comment what u think of this chapter! Hope u enjoyed

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