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The gang and I leaving Sacred Heart and walking on 5th Ave to work
"How do you think today would be like?" Mads asks us as we're walking "I don't know, it's work, so complicated?" Nate guesses "But yet again Cynthia and Joe are chill people so it'll probably be fun" "Aww thanks Nate, I'm glad you think my grandparents are chill, which is true, for the most part... unless you to something to disrespect Grandpa, then he just yells at you in Italian" "J, hate to break it to ya but I think you're turning into your mom by mentioning your Italian 24/7" Matt tells me as I roll my eyes "Ok not true" "Really?" Mads says sarcastically as I roll my eyes and we arrive at the restaurant
Time skip........
We enter Joanne's and we see Aunt Nat at the door "Ready for your first day of work?" We all nod "Good luck, love ya guys" she hugs all of us then she walks out the door and leaves us with Grandma and Grandpa and we start work
This is seriously a hella short chapter, don't rlly have any ideas rn lol... hope u enjoy this chapter anyway don't forget to vote and comment what u think

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