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My friends and I are at our lockers when Kayleigh and her minions walk about to us I groan "What do you want?" I ask "Why the harsh tone?" She asks "Because we know ya have something up your sleeve, what is it?" Matt asks "Getting revenge on J here" I roll my eyes "Who are you, Blair Waldorf?" Mads jokes as Kayleigh smirks "Maybe" she says as she kisses Matt then smirks at me and walks away "I-I g-gotta go" I mumble crying as I run out of school not knowing where I was gonna go
Time skip......
Mads's P.O.V.......
"We should call Stefani" Matt says "She's probably at dress rehearsal, we can't interrupt her" I point out "Good point" Emily says "What does Jade love the most?" Nate asks "Me?" Matt asks "Besides you, Matt" Emily rolls her eyes "Us?" Ryan asks "Besides us" I say "Performing!" Matt yells "Exactly, and what is the dive bar she talks about the most?" I ask "The Bitter End! She's at the Bitter End!" Emily tells us as I nod as the bell rings "Ok uh, Ryan and Nate, you guys go tell Mr B that we're gonna be out for a while, Em, Matt and I are gonna go to the Bitter End and find Jade, we'll meet at Grand Central after ok?" I explain "Ok, we will. Be careful guys" Ryan tells us "We will" Emily smiles as we walk out of school
Time skip.......
Jade's P.O.V......
I'm at The Bitter End and a guy walks up to me "Excuse me, ma'am you can't be here" "I'm here to perform. Let me in please, I've had a really bad day" I beg "Ok fine" the man says "Thanks" I say as I get up on stage "Hi, everyone. I'm Jade Elizabeth and I'm going to perform 2 songs for you today, let's get started with the original first" I say as I start playing the guitar that was already there and I start to play my song "You Should Know By Now"

Did you really think I'd be knocked down?
At the time like pieces of a broken heart.
Did you think we could've worked this out?
Y'know the truth is what you make of it and you played that card right.
Too many times, too many lies.

Cause you knew all too well I couldn't have had the strength.
And I knew you were just something to hold me down.
You said even if I fought, I wouldn't win.
But this is not a battle, isn't it? Isn't it?
You should know by now not to try and tear me down, you should know by now right from wrong.
Oh, you should know.

It's 2 years later and you've got something in mind.
You're 17 and don't know how to make sense of what you did, what you did to me.
I know better than any of us, she didn't see, she was caught up with someone else tryna get into a situation she couldn't get out of.

Cause you knew all too well I couldn't have had the strength.
And I knew you were just something to hold me down.
You said even if I fought I wouldn't win.
But this is not a battle isn't it? Isn't it?
You should know by now not to try and tear me down. You should know by now right from wrong, you should know by now not to try and mess with me, better know I won't break down.
Oh, you should know, oh, you should know by now.
When I finish everyone claps "Thank you, this next song is called "Shallow"
A/N: video up above ^^
When I'm done singing everyone claps and I see Mads, Matt and Emily walk in, they see me and walk up "Jade, finally, we were fucking looking everywhere" Matt hugs me and kisses me "I'm sorry" "Don't be. She kissed you" I tell him "Hey guys" I get an idea "Yeah?" Emily asks "Do you know the lyrics to 'Here's To Never Growing Up'?" I ask smirking "Hell Yeah!" Mads yells "Let's get it!" She says as she gets a mic and Matt gets on the drums and Emily takes the guitar from me "These are my friends Emily and Mads" I say to the crowd "and my boyfriend Matt... we're going play Avril Lavigne's 'Here's To Never Growing Up'" I smile "Let's get it!" Mads yells into the mic again and I laugh and we start playing

When we get done everyone starts clapping
"Thanks guys" I say as we get off the stage and we go to Grand Central
Time skip..........
We meet Nate and Ryan in Grand Central along with Grandpa "Grandpa, hey" I say nervously "I'm not gonna yell at you, don't worry" he laughs "Stefani has a similar situation. Where did you go anyway?" He asks "The Bitter End" I tell him "What can I say? Performing calms me" Grandpa smiles "Just like your mother" I smile "It was fucking lit!" Mads yells "Language" Grandpa tells her "Sorry" "It's ok Mads" "Do you want to stop at Artbird while you're here?" "Uh obviously!" Matt says as we all laugh
Long chapter this time, last chapter updated in 2018! Happy new year ppl! Hope u enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think! Ps: "You Should Know By Now" is an original song that I wrote, for anyone who is wondering! 😀

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