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Bradley walks into the kitchen as the gang and I are making cookies "What are you kids doing?" He asks "Making cookies" Mads says as she turns on the oven "Why? It's 100 degrees out" "Because we want cookies" I reply as I hop and hug him "How's the foot?" "Getting better" I smile "That's good to hear" "We bouta eat them all!" Nate yells as he gets out the flour "Yesss!" Emily yells back as Bradley rolls eyes and walks out the room mumbling "Teenagers"
Time skip......
We're about to put the cookies in the oven "Hey we still got the flour out" Matt says "Yeah so?" I ask "So..." he gets a handful of flour and throws it at me "MATT" I yell as Ryan finishes putting the cookies in the oven and stops to laugh at me "It's not funny!" I turn to Matt "You're so dead" I grab some sugar that was on the counter from before and throw it back at him "Guys... guys.... GUYS" Mads yells we stop and turn to her "Stop it! We're gonna make a mess, and you know how Stefani gets when she's upset" Matt and I look at each other and start throwing flour and sugar at Mads and the rest of the gang "GUYS WHAT THE HELL" She yells as I laugh until someone walks into the kitchen
Time skip.......
Mom stands in the doorway "What the fuck you guys?!" She yells "We're making cookies?" Nate explains but it comes out as a question "We kinda got carried away" I start "I can see that, Jade! I'm not mad though" "You're not?" Matt asks "No... teens always fuck up the kitchen while baking, it's practically a rule that you do so at one point in your teen years" she laughs as the gang and I look at each other confused "So you're not gonna kill us?" Mads asks "Why would I do that?" "Because uh...uh, um" we all start to mumble "When you get mad you sometimes tend to turn into The Countess" Ryan tells her as she shakes her head "I may get mad, like a normal mother of a teenager, but I wouldn't go that far Ryan" Mom explains "Told ya!" I yell as everyone laughs we continue to wait for the cookies to bake
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