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I'm in my room watching Netflix on my phone when I start to cry out of nowhere Taylor runs in the room "Hey, hey what happened kiddo?" He asks hugging me "I don't know- I'm just- I don't know why I'm crying- it's just I don't wanna disappoint you guys again" I cry "Honey, your mother and I might be mad at your decisions you made the other night, but we both know that it's normal, your a teenager, you make mistakes. Your mother and I can both relate to that, you didn't disappoint us, J" he says to me "It's just not something I usually do, I don't know I wanted to have a actually high school experience for once y'know? Not just be that one famous kid everyone knows and asks for autographs from or asks me about Mom" I tell him as I lay my head on his shoulder "Jade look at me" I look at Taylor "You're allowed to make mistakes. You're allowed to do things that we normally won't want you to do, we get it, it's hard having parents like us, but y'know what? We make it work, we make it work by being together as a family, and taking it one step at a time" I smile "Why is high school so hard?" I ask as Taylor shakes his head and laughs "I don't know J, it just is. Maybe ask your mother that though, she's been through the in and outs of high school" I laugh "You feel better?" He asks "Yeah... thanks for being an amazing Dad" he smiles "Your biological dad comes first" "Yeah But you've been in my life more than Lüc has. He missed 14 years, and even my birth!" I exclaim "I wasn't here for your birth though Jade" Taylor laughs "Whatever" "Are we really arguing about this?" I roll my eyes "It's only an argument if you make it one" I reply smiling as I hug Taylor "I love you Tay" I say as he smiles "Love ya too J"
Hope u all enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think! Ps I was kinda in a rush to write this Bc I was in math class Bc who wants to do math when they can write a Gaga fanfic? Lmao hope u enjoy

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