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We all get back to my apartment and I open the door "Hey, how was the gig?" Taylor asks walking in "It was lit" Mads says to him as he laughs "You didn't light any on fire right?" Mom says as I laugh "No we didn't light hairspray or anything on fire, some of us don't want to get arrested Mom" I joke as we head upstairs
Time skip........
"Hey, uh we're gonna go ok?" Emily says as I whine "Aw we were gonna watch AHS" "Roanoke?!" Matt asks as I nod and he cheers "See ya guys" I say as the gang leaves through my window "Well looks like it's just us" I say "Yep" we stand there awkwardly for a moment before I ask "AHS?" "Hell Yeah" we sit on my bed and start walking it
Just before the Chapter 4/ episode sex scene I get up and go to the bathroom "You honestly didn't miss much" Matt tells me as I laugh "I kinda like this scene, because we get her backstory" I say as I eat some popcorn I brought up from downstairs "Yeah sure" Matt laughs "Shut up! It's true" "Ew I can't wait this" I bury my head in Matt's chest "you got abs" I mumble as he laughs "Thanks?" "Welcome" I say "What's happening?" I ask "He's in between your moms l-" "Ew ew shut up why the hell would you tell me that?" I hit him with a pillow "Because you asked me?" He says "I don't think I'll be able to look at my mom again the same way" I mumble "I know, she's saying Matt, and I want to think she's yelling at me because I did something wrong but-" we both shudder "Never say that again" I tell him "Noted" he agrees "So about the other day-" Matt starts "I'm fine Matt" I say "Why didn't you tell me?" "Because I thought I could handle it on my own and everything would be ok" I admit "You didn't have to handle it on your own" he tells me "I know" I say "I'm sorry" "It's ok J, I'm not mad, just... come to me next time ok" I smile "That sounds so wrong" "I know" "Imma go to the bathroom" he says as he walks out then runs back in again "Nope can't do it" he tells me as I laugh "What's wrong?" "Two words: Your Mom" "You'll really never be able to look at her again?" He nods as she comes in and Matt hides behind me "Ok so tell me why Matt ran away from me" Mom says to me then looks at the TV "Oh" she says as he nods "Matt, honey it's just a show, come on man up! You're fucking 16" she says "Ok ok Stef I will" Mom smiles "Jade, come here for a second" I nod as Mom and I walk out in the hallway
Time skip.......
"So today's the day?" "What no it's not! Mom we're just watching TV" "On the bed, look I might not be the one you want to talk about this shit with but I know when I was your age your dad and I didn't just 'watch TV on a bed together'" "Ugh TMI, Mom What the hell?!" I say "So I wanna give you something" Mom says as she walks to Taylor's bathroom and grabs a bag "Mom it's not happening ok?" "Just in case it does" "Ugh bye!" I yell as I close the door with the bag in my hand
"What's in the bag?" Matt asks "You don't wanna know" "Condoms?" "You guessed right"  I nod as I sigh "Sometimes I really hate her" Matt laughs "I bet you do" "She also told me about her sex life and I seriously don't know if I can even look at her without imagining her with a guy that is not Taylor, naked" "You've been watching way too much AHS: Hotel" Matt states as I laugh "No kidding" "Look we're waiting ok, that's final" Matt tells me "Agreed" as I toss the bag in my closet and we just finish watching AHS: Roanoke
Hope u enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think! I think I've updated like 4 times today lmao

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