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The gang and I are walking along Bleecker Street with all our band gear getting ready to go to the Bitter End "I hate to say this, but I feel like we're your mom right now" Matt says as I stiff a laugh "Instead of a keyboard your dragging around a guitar, by the way, be careful with that, I borrowed it from Bobby" I tell him "How's that going?" Mads asks "Good, he offered to help me produce some songs and obviously I said yes, he's really nice and kind, plus he's like Mom's best friend so it works perfectly" I tell them as Emily smiles "Well I'm glad we're able to help you make your dream come true" "You are, thanks guys, and when I say that I mean really, I truly appreciate it" I say as Ryan smiles "Hey, anytime. Ya know we got your back" he tells me as we walk into the entrance of the Bitter End
Time skip..........
We get there, and we get up on stage and start setting up our instruments "Need help with that?" I ask Matt "I know how to handle a guitar" he laughs "Ok, whatever you say" "You ready?" Nate asks as he sits down next to the drums "Hell Yeah!" "Lets hit it!" Mads yells as we begin to sing "One And A Million Times"
(Lyrics are in chapter 55 if u wanna look them up)
When we're done everybody claps as we begin to play The Pretty Reckless's "Since You're Gone"

(Music Video, well technically the acoustic live video up above)
When we're done everyone claps I turn to Matt "Do you know the cords to this next song? We're gonna be playing Avril Lavigne's 'Head Above Water'" "I don't really" He laughs "but I'll manage" "Really?" I ask "All you gotta do is trust me, on this ok? I know what I'm doing" I put my hands up in surrender laughing "Ok, just making sure" I say as we begin to play "Head Above Water"

(Music Video up above)
When we're done, just like with all the other songs everyone claps and cheers "Thank you!" I yell into the microphone "I'm Jade Elizabeth and this is my gang" I announce as everyone cheers "Thank you for letting us take the stage tonight, we know it was last minute, it really meant a lot to us" "Have a good night!" We all hell as we get up, get our instruments and start walking outside back to the apartment
Hope u enjoyed this chapter! Looks like Jade finally is getting her dream, I'm so proud of her😂 honestly find a music producer who mentored ur idol, or in J's case, ur mom😂 ok well u know the usual don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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