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I wake up the next morning and get changed (outfit up above)
and go downstairs,the gang are sitting down on the couch in the living room "hey" I say "Hey badass" Ryan says high fiving me "Nate told us what happened last night, guess your hand hurts pretty bad?" Mads asks "Like a bitch" I laugh "but I'll be ok" "That's my girl" Matt says as he kisses me as he hear Taylor cough "Oh hey..." I say nervously "Uh I gotta go" Matt stutters "Yeah ya better run" Taylor teases him "You still going on with that 'I'm a rebel' act?" He asks me as I roll my eyes "Whatever you want to believe" as the phone rings and Mom comes in from the living room to answer it a second later she comes out to us "That was Ms Savino, apparently you weren't in school yesterday" She says speaking calmly "WHY THE HELL WEREN'T YOU IN SCHOOL YESTERDAY?!" She shouts as we all jump "We might've went to Brooklyn" I say nervously "Brooklyn for what?" Taylor asks as Mom asks "We"?
"Nate, Matt and I" "Seriously why you get us into this?" Nate asks me as I roll my eyes as Taylor growls at Matt "I gotta go" Matt says as he tries to run away "No you're staying here Matt" I say pulling him back "Fine" "We went to a recording studio and then performed on a corner, we just wanted to get ahead of the recording process. To get our song to a producer" I explain "You could've just talked to Bobby, he would've been happy to help you" Mom shakes her head "I know, and I'm sorry" "Sorry isn't good enough" Taylor adds "Yeah I know" "What's wrong with your hand?" Taylor asks "Uh- so uh you know in A Star Is Born where that guy is begging Jack for a picture and then Ally-" "You're stalling, I can tell. Now what the fuck did you do?!" "I might've uh- maybe punched a guy in the face?" "YOU WHAT?!" "See I knew this would happen" Mads says "Now we know to never let Stefani get mad" "Yeah her face is as red as a tomato" Emily adds "More like a volcano" Ryan says as he all looks him "Not helping" Matt whispers "So what? Get to the punishment already, grounded for life? Boarding school?" I ask annoyed "No" Mom says "What?" "No" "So no punishment?" "Oh you're getting a punishment" she laughs evilly "You're scaring me" "As well as she should be" Taylor says "You have to clean the whole house" she states "No going out on the weekends or after school, no computer, no TV, no phone" "How will I watch AHS?" I whine "Oh don't worry, I'll put it on downstairs for you" "Really?" "NO!" "and the gang- more specifically Nate and Matt, are helping you, getting the same exact punishment, I'll be calling their parents to let them know" "Seriously Stef?! Why us?" Matt groans "Because you two let Jade put her life in danger" "Fuck it Mom, I'm not doing this" I tell her "Jade Elizabeth Marie Germanotta, you will do as I say and you will do it now am I clear?" Mom yells "Crystal" I whisper "Ok now all of you, get working. Mads, Emily, Ryan, you can leave. They need to do some work" Taylor tells them "No stay!" I yell "Please" "Sorry, Mr K. But we're helping our friends" Emily states as I hug them "thanks" "Anytime" as Mom and Taylor leave and we start cleaning the living room
Hope u enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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