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The gang and I are walking along the streets of Brooklyn after performing on a street corner heading back to Matt's car. A man all of a sudden walks up to us "Hello, are you Jade Germanotta?" The man asks as I nod nervously "Don't be afraid hon, I'm Bob Leone" "Oh my god" I say "I've heard your music and I'm in love, you kids are so young but so full of talent, just like your mother was and is. I would like to be your manager if you'd let me" he says as I look at my friends "Woah ok... uh yeah sure! That would be incredible. Thank you so much" I say as he smiles and hands me a business card "My number and email. Give me a call, I'll see what I can do to get you guys another gig" he walks away as the gang and I run to Matt's car and all scream "Oh my fucking god we just got a mother fucking record producer and manager!" Mads yells "He's going get us a record deal!" Nate yells
Time skip..........
We get home and all of us start smiling "Ok what's got you kids so happy?" Taylor asks as Mom comes in and joins him on the couch "I think we just got a manager and record producer" Matt says slowly "Really? Who?" Mom asks "Bob Leone" I tell her as Mom begins to smile "He's very nice, you kids will love him" "He used to mentor Mom when she was around our age" I explain "He was also my first manager when I was 17" she adds as I nod "What she said" we all laugh "This is so dope!" Mads yells "I know right?!" Emily says "Well I, for one-" Taylor says getting off the couch "Am extremely proud of all of you" he hugs all of us "Thanks Taylor" I smile
Hope u enjoyed this chapter! I really wanted to include Bob Leone in this Bc I thought it'll be cool plus he deserves the recognition.
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