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I'm walking to my English class when I see Matt and run up to him "Hey" I say as he looks up from his phone "No phones allowed" I say reading the sign on the wall next to us "Ok Ms Rule Follower" Matt rolls his eyes as he puts it away and I laugh "I can be bad" I say "Oh trust me, I know. Skipping school to go perform in bars... such a rebel" "What can I say? Music is my passion" "and you're great at it" he kisses me "Aww thanks" I say as Mads and Nate walk over "Hey lovebirds" Nate jokes as the bell rings "Class is what's up" Mads tells him sighing "Well we gotta go, see ya later?" "Ya bet" Matt smirks as they walk past "So...what do you have?" I ask "History. Roman's giving us a fucking test" he groans "Good luck" I say "Thanks I'll need it" "You'll do great" "I hope so" Matt says as we walk to my class "This is my stop" I tell him reluctantly "Why can't we just skip?" "Because if we do, your mom would kill me. Plus I don't wanna be on Taylor's bad side" I roll my eyes "Oh please, you'll be fine the only murderous act my mom has done was decapitate Barbie Dolls" Matt stiffs a laugh "and Taylor?" "You're done for" I state "Noted" he says as the bell rings a second time, meaning we're officially late "Well, gotta go don't wanna be late" Matt yells as he starts walking away "Pretty sure we already are!" I yell back "See ya!" He yells
Time skip.......
The gang and meet at our lockers like we always do every day after school "So what ya doing for your birthday?" Emily asks "Don't know yet. Probably just do something with you guys, Mom and Tay" I tell her "Aww I'm glad you're gonna spend your day with us" I roll my eyes "I always do" "It's your 15th, it's gotta be special" Matt says "Define 'special'" Ryan tells him "Dude, really?" "Uh, dudes? We're still here" I state laughing "And if it happens it will, but I still wanna wait" I look at Matt "We still wanna wait" I smile as he smiles back and we walk out the doors of the Convent Of Sacred Heart
Hope u enjoy this chapter! I'm gonna update in a few days for Jade's bday chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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