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(Jade's outfit up above)
The gang and I, except Matt are walking out of my apartment getting ready to go to school as a car drives up and Matt gets out of the car "What's up?" He asks as we all run to him "I finally got my license" he explains as I stare at him "I love you" I say as he laughs and kisses me "I love you too" we all get in the car and start driving to school "Now we don't have to walk to school!" Mads cheers "Yeah we'll just have you drive us everywhere" I joke "Not happening" "It was worth a shot" "It's a good thing all of us can fit" Nate says "Wait so is this actually yours?" Ryan asks "Technically no, it's my dads, but he said I could have it for the day-" "As long as you don't fuck it up right?" Emily asks as he nods "I knew it!" She falls into the backseat as I laugh "I'm getting my own car next weekend" Matt says "By the way- I brought breakfast!" He yells as he gives us all coffees and sandwiches "Thanks man!" Nate says hugging him "Thanks babe" I say as I kiss him and Mads playfully hits my arm "Hey! No kissing while driving!" "We're at a stop sign!" Matt says to her "Still!" "Yeah we're eating, we don't wanna throw up" Emily says as I mimic her and she mimics me "Ok J, Em. Stop it, let's act like mature teenagers" Ryan says to us as it gets quite for a minute then we all look at each other and burst out laughing "Come on, Ry, you know none of us could be mature teenagers if we even tried" Matt tells him "He's got a point" I say as Nate nods "See?! N agrees!" I yell "Am I the only one without a nickname?" Matt asks as Ryan whines "Why you all ganging up on me?" "Because we're the gang" Nate says as we all high five "Also you do have a nickname Matty" I tell him as he smiles "I feel honored" Emily pats him on the back "I'm glad you feel that way"
Time skip.........
We park in the school parking lot across the street and start walking up "Any latest gigs?" Mads asks "Not yet, Bobby's working on it, he's gonna see if we can do a sorta benefit concert for the Born This Way Foundation" "Well one gig is better than none, so good job!" Mads says as I laugh "Thanks?" "So what classes do we all have?" Matt asks "French" Emily says as Nate says "History" "Music" Mads tells us "Bio" Ryan groans "P.E" Matt says "What about you Jade?" "Italian" I say "Oh right up your alley" Nate jokes as I hit him "Shut up, I happen to love Italian" "Yeah, because you're Italian" I roll my eyes "Idioti" "Did you just call me an idiot in Italian?" Nate asks "Sì" "Showoff, just because I don't know any French, doesn't give you the right to say other languages in my face!" Emily says to me "Em, that sentence didn't even make any sense" I laugh "I know, I gotta work on my comebacks" "Clearly" Matt mumbles as the bell rings "Ok if we keep arguing about this we're going be late to class" Mads says "Again: why can't we just skip? I wanna write a song!" I say to them "Because I don't wanna get on your... wood witch of a mothers bad side" "Uh, I'm confused" Emily says "Yeah please explain" Mads says "Well we were watching AHS: Roanoke yesterday and we came across the Matt and Scáthach's... uh, scene, so anyway after a little while Matt was gonna go to the bathroom then saw my Mom and then ran back in" I explain "Then she went into J's room and told me to, and this is her exact words, I quote: 'Matt, honey it's just a show! Come on man up! You're fucking 16!'" "That sounds like my idol" Mads smiles as we're walking to the main hallway "Anyway, she's very persistent. So luckily we finished the season and I didn't get scared" Matt finishes "Except that scene where the character Matt went down to the basement and Scáthach came out of nowhere and grabbed him" I say "He hid behind me the whole time" "Oh gee thanks J" he jokes "It's true!" "Wasn't that episode where she was like 'Mattt'?" Mads asks "AHHHH" Matt screams then runs away "Seriously Mads? You just scared my boyfriend!" I say "Sorry, ya gotta admit it was kinda funny though I mean, he's scared of Taylor, now he's scared of Stefani!" I roll my eyes "Ok it kinda is" the second bell rings meaning we're late "Well class calls" I groan "See ya guys!" I yell as I walk away "Matt's driving us back to your apartment right?!" Nate yells at me "Yep!" I yell back as I walk up the stairs to my Italian class
Hope u enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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