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I'm walking to French class as I see Matt and run up to him "Hey I haven't seen you all day!" I say as we walk the halls together "Y'know people say this is the 'make out hall'" he glances at me I laugh "Yeah I know which is why-" I throw my books on the ground "I'm gonna do this-" I kiss him "Oh my gosh" he says I laugh "What class do you have?" I ask he glances at his schedule "Uhh... Biology" he says "Good luck with that" I say as I hug him and I enter French class
Time skip.........
"Good afternoon Ms Germanotta" Mr Babineaux says to me "You too Mr B!" I yell as I sit in the back of the class "Tu as un suçon" a student in my class Lillie says "What?" I ask "You have a hickey" she states I look at my neck "Shit" I mumble to myself as class begins
After an hour school is finally over and I meet Emily and Mads at their lockers "Hey J" Emily says "Woah what's with the hickey?" I groan "Is it really that bad?" "Kinda" Mads tells me "How the hell am I supposed to hide this?" I ask "Mom's gonna be pissed and Taylor is gonna definitely lose his shit" I say "Hey guys" the guys walk up to us "You" I point my finger at Matt as we walk out the building and out into the New York scene "What I do?" Matt asks "This" I pull my hair out of my face and look at my neck "Yikes" Ryan gasps "I know!" I yell "Whatca gonna do?" Nate asks "I don't know" I shrug "Try to hide it as long as possible. It's Taylor I'm scared about- since Dylan he's been a bit overprotective" "Who's Dylan?" Matt asks "Just some player I met on my first day, took my first kiss invited me to a party- bad idea by the way" I sigh "I haven't met him but I already don't like him" Matt comments as we get to my apartment door "Good luck J" Nate hugs me "Thanks, and all of ya, meet me in my room, we're hanging out. I just hope this goes well" I sigh "It will" Matt tries to kiss me "Yeah, none of this until we clear this up ok?" I ask as I open the door
Time skip.........
I see Taylor sitting on the couch "Hey What's up?" I ask "Nothing just reading" "Cool" I say "Are ya ok honey?" Taylor asks "Yeah why?" I ask "You're acting weird" he walks up to me "and why the hell is your hair in your face?" He pulls it away and looks at me "Jade... what is this?" He asks "I fell down the steps at school and hit my neck, you know I'm very clumsy that way" I tell him as his face turns red "Really Jade you Seriously expect me to believe that BULLSHIT I KNOW THATS A FUCKING HICKEY" He yells at me "I'm sorry Tay" I tell him "Stefani!" He yells to Mom "Yeah babe?" She walks in "Oh my gosh Jade What the hell?" "I-I" I mumble "IS THAT A FUCKING HICKEY" "Y-Yeah?" I ask "Imma kill Matt" Taylor says "Please don't" I say "I'm gonna go to my room" I say as I run upstairs
Time skip.......
I see my friends sitting on my bed "Is Taylor really gonna kill me?" Matt asks nervously "Let's see...." I say "HES IN MY ROOM" I yell as I hear footsteps running up and my door bursting open "Yeah if I were you I would run" I say as Taylor chases Matt down the hallway and the others just laugh
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