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My friends and I are walking out of local café "What ya wanna do today?" Emily asks "I don't know, go to the Empire State Building?" Matt asks "That's like a major tourist attraction, I don't think that'll be a option" Mads points out "Good point" we keep on walking until I see familiar long hair and tight jeans
(A/N: ik Speechless reference 😂)
"Shit" I mumble as I quickly pull the others in the other direction "What's wrong?" Emily asks "Luc" I say "Who?" Matt asks "Her dad" Nate whispers "Oh" "He is not my dad. He fucking hurt my mom" I say "Now Jade that is no way to speak" I hear a voice say I turn around "Luc... we were just leaving" I say "Look honey I know I fucked up the last time-" "You did fuck up- you did and there is no way that you can fix everything you've ruined" I hiss to him "I can apologize to your mother" "She doesn't want to see you" I tell him "Neither does the rest of my family or me for that matter so if you'd like you can get your ass out of our lives" I tell him "Ok fine, I will if that's what you'd like. See you later" He sighs as he walks away "Unbelievable" I roll my eyes "He really fucking thinks it'll be that easy to forgive him?" I roll my eyes "I know, that's pretty fucked up" Ryan agreed I nod "Can we please not tell my mom about what happened today? She's already stressed enough from having to plan 'Enigma'" "Don't worry, we won't tell her babe" Matt kisses me "You better" I joke as I point a finger at him and the others laugh
Hope u enjoyed

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