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The gang and I are walking through the hallways of the Convent Of The Sacred Heart "We only have a week of school" Mads says as we all cheer "Finally" I tell them as everyone nods in agreement "So what's the summer look like?" Nate asks "The usual, work then performing at whatever gigs we get" I tell them "We all know you're hoping Brooklyn" Emily says as I laugh "Accurate" "I'm so done with school" Ryan groans "Agreed" Matt says as the others nod "What's after school look like?" Nate asks "Don't you wanna know what's up?" Emily asks "What's the rush ya got a date or something?" I joke as Nate rolls his eyes "Something like that" Mads jumps on his back "Mads! What the hell?!" "Tell me! I won't get off your back if you don't tell me" "Damn N, She's really on your back about this" Matt points out "Literally" I add "Ok ok fine I'll tell you guys" Nate gives in "Her names Riley... and she's a sophomore" "Ohh someone older" Ryan teases "Kinky" I hit him in the elbow "It's not like that dude, she asked me out last week, I'm supposed to pick her up after school, then we're going out" "When will we meet this Riley girl?"" Mads asks finally getting off of Nate's back "Thank you and I don't know, no offense but I wanna  make sure everything's official before I introduce her to our group, plus J, I don't really know if you'd want anyone to know who you are right away" he says to me "It's fine by me" I laugh "Pretty sure almost everyone knows already" "I don't think she might, she just moved here last month" "Oh ok" "How old is she?" Mads asks "Same as us, 15" "Cool" Emily nods as Nate also nods "Yep" the 7th period bell rings "I'm so glad this is our last class" Ryan tells us as I nod "I know right?!" "Well see ya later" Matt waves to everyone then kisses me before we all go our separate ways for class
Hope u enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think! (Will be introducing Riley (Nate's gf) in the next chapter)

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