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Matt just finished parking his car in the school parking lot as the gang and I are walking into the building "So... the 4th day of school" Matt trails off "Yep, how ya feel?" Mads asks "Want it to be summer again already" I tell her as the others nod as we get to the commons area "The only thing I hate is that I have Bio all by myself" I tell the gang "and it's my first class! I hate bio" "I'm pretty sure we all do, J" Ryan says as I hit him "I also hate this damn uniforms" "Ok Jade, you're going on a rant here" "What? It's true!" "You shouldn't seriously seen Savinos face the other day" Nate says "Yeah we all saw it, we were there... we performed the song" Emily says "Everyone went wild" Ryan adds "Every faculty member was pissed" I tell him as the bell rings "My cue" I whine "Can't we just go to Joanne's?" "NO" the others yell at me "Why?" "Because J, its not open yet, if you haven't noticed, it's 7:50!" Matt yells "Ok damn never mind" I say as I start to walk off
Time skip.....
It's 5th period and it's lunch time in the dining hall "So that AP English quiz was hard as hell" Mads says as I face palm "I haven't had English yet!" Emily whines "What's it on?" "the vocab for Romeo and Juliet" Matt tells her and the rest of us "Seriously?! I didn't study" Emily says "well good luck em!" I hug her "Matt and I'll pick you up after since we're in Music next period" "Ok cool" she smiles as the bell rings "Seriously?!?!" Nate yells as we laugh and get up "How is it possible that we've been in hell for 4 days and I wanna leave" Ryan says "Shush, don't let anyone here you say that" "Right, sometimes I remember this is a Catholic school" "But hey, it's that gonna stop us from covering controversial songs and writing Explicit ones? NO!" I shout as we all walk up to the 2nd floor "Well... see ya guys! Good luck Em!" Matt yells to the others as they walk away "Thanks!" Emily says
Time skip.....
Matt and I are in music class, him playing the guitar and me singing as usual. "Do you think We'll still be able to get a gig and the Johnson's?" I wonder as Matt shrugs "Like you said babe, we'll stick to The Bitter End and Brooklyn streets" I smile as I pull out a notebook from my back pack and start to write a new song called "You Know You Love Me"

We've been here before.
It's a slamming door.
Say it's bullshit.
Think you'll wanna know.
I'm not gonna stay.
To watch you walk away, no.
We've been here before.

I don't wanna fight with you.
And I don't wanna hide the truth.
I'll fight for my dreams till you're here fighting for me.
Cause you know you love me in the end
No matter what happens.
Cause you know you love me in the end.
In the end.

We've been here before.
Won't go down this road.
It's all old to me, what about to you?
Need you to know.
I'm not letting go, no.

When I'm done I look at Matt who gets done playing "That's amazing" "I recorded it on my phone" he laughs as he kisses me and the bell rings and we both stand up and walk out of the classroom "Come on, let's get Emily" we start walking down to the English classroom across the hall "Hey!" Emily says as we see her walk out the door "How'd you do?" Matt asks as she holds her test up "B +" she says "That's kinda good right?" We nod as we see Nate run to us "Hey! J, guess what we got a sub in Italian!" "Cool! Hey guys check out the new song we wrote" I grab Matts phone and we listen to the recording "You Know You Love Me?" Emily raises her eyebrows "What can I say? You're favorite shows rubbing off on me" I shrug as the bell rings and we all sigh  "I gotta go" I say to Matt and Emily "Yeah, we gotta go to PE" Matt groans as I roll my eyes "You'll be fine" "Yeah ok whatever" I laugh as we part our ways and Nate and I walk to our 7th period Italian class
Hope u enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think

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