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I am upstairs in my room when I hear my mom open the door and say "Hi Matt" and I run downstairs "Hey Matt, I gotta tell ya-" I stop "You're not Matt" I look to my mom "Well, this was a waste of my time. I'm going back to my room" I say as I start to head upstairs as Mom lightly grabs me "Not yet young lady, Matt, this is my daughter Jade, J, this is Matt Bomer, he played-" "Donovan on AHS:Hotel, I know, it's my favorite show" I tell him Matt laughs "I came by to tell you congratulations, on your Grammy wins" Mom smiles "Thank you very much Matt, I appreciate it" as soon as she says that the gang burst in the door "Hey Stef, just wanna let you know that performance last night was fucking iconic" Mads yells running in and hugging me as Mom laughs "Thanks Mads, oh by the way this is-" "Matt Bomer" Emily says "Apparently everyone knows who I am" Matt B laughs "Well, these are J's friends Mads, Nate, Emily and Ryan and her boyfriend Matt" Matt B smiles "Nice to meet you all, I love your name Matt, by the way" My Matt smiles "You too Matt" He says as I laugh "We has a Grammys sleepover last night. It was dope" I explain "Oh, so that's where you were, Taylor couldn't find you" Mom rolls her eyes while she laughs "I told him, did he forget?" "Apparently" "Watch some Hotel?" Nate suggests "Yesss!!!!" We all cheer as my friends and I race to the living room and we turn on Netflix
New chapter! Decided to add some AHS in there w/ Matt and all... tell me what u think. Hope u enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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