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I hear voices when I wake up and turn to see Matt and my friends "Good morning birthday girl"  He smiles at me and kisses me I stop him "Ew stop I have morning breath" I laugh as Mads asks "What are we doing today?" "Walking around?" Emily asks as Mom and Taylor come in the room "We're celebrating my daughters 15th birthday with her friends and her boyfriend" she says hugging me "Hey Taylor" Matt says awkwardly as I laugh and get out of bed "Ok get out guys, I'm getting changed" I tell them as they walk out of my room
Time skip.........
I finish getting changed
(Outfit up above)
And I walk downstairs to the living room "Walk around?" Nate asks "Yup" Ryan says "Mom! Taylor! We're walking around!" I yell to Mom and Taylor from the kitchen "Ok! Be careful!" Taylor yells "Happy birthday J!" I smile as the gang and I run outside
Kinda short chapter... decided to update a day early hope u enjoy J's birthday chapter!

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