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The gang and I are in my room talking when we hear Mom and Taylor arguing downstairs in the kitchen I slowly get up and close my door as Mads looks at me "I know that look, baby don't cry" she hugs me "Dancin' in Circles feels good to be lonely" I cry softly "What do you think they're mad about?" Matt asks "I don't know, bullshit maybe" "There are a ton of articles that say-" Ryan stops to imitate the voice of a person off of TMZ "Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga are in love, It's on!" I burst out laughing "Killer impression Ry, but I think it's got something more to do with that" as if on cue we hear a door slam downstairs and we all run to see Mom crying "He l-left me" "I'm sorry" "He cheated, I cheated, I don't- I dont know" "Wait what do you mean you cheated?" Mads asks "One day on set we almost kissed" "Mom, that's not cheating" I say "Oh well, Taylor cheated so fuck him" she sobs "I hope you're not mad but I called Bradley" "O-ok, so what he's gonna be my dad now?" "If I get lucky" we all shudder "Please no Mom" I beg "He left Irina ok? It's not like we're cheating. Plus I mean you've had that situation with your father, then just now with Taylor, it'll be good to have someone who truly cares about you" "Fine, I'm not happy about this though" "Are you sure? Don't you want a little sister?" "Mom you're not pregnant are you?" I ask as she laughs "Hell no Jade! I meant Lea, Bradley's daughter" "Oh" I say as I walk back upstairs "They'll be here soon!" Mom yells "Ok!" I say
Time skip......
The gang leaves and I hear a door open and a baby cry "Jade! They're here!" I roll my eyes and walk downstairs "Hi Bradley" I smile "Hey Jade, thanks for being so cool about this" he says hugging me "Yeah sure" I mumble as Lea starts crawling to me "Oh hi" I say as I pick her up "Jade, this is my daughter Lea, she's 3" Bradley introduces us "So I've heard" "Hi what's your name?" The little girl asks as I smile "I'm Jade" I say to her as Bradley hugs Mom and I force a smile
Hope u enjoyed this chapter! Seems like J's having mixed feelings about Bradga happening... It was so hard to write bradga because of the whole situation in real life going on, but luckily I was able to! Thanks again PerfectGaga for helping me come up w/ the idea for this chapter! I really appreciate it! Don't forget to vote and comment what u guys think!

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