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My friends and I walk into Joanne's after school "Hey Aunt Nat!" I yell hugging her "Hey J...J's friends" "Hey" Mads says "What's up?" Matt asks "How would you all like to work here?" Grandpa asks coming out from the kitchen I groan "Did my mom put you up to this?" I ask as grandma shakes her head "No, but she worked here when she was your age, so did Natali, it's kind of a tradition in our family" She laughs "Does this mean I get the recipe?" I ask "Yes! We finally get to try the famous meatballs!" Emily cheers "You guys have to try Grandpa's meatballs, they're the best!" I say to the gang "So is this job only a Germanotta thing or...?" Nate asks as Grandpa laughs "No, you guys can work here too, if you'd like. You kids are like family to us" "Thanks Papa G!" Ryan tells him as he smiles "You're welcome" he says as grandma walks away and comes back a minute later with about 6 uniforms "Here are your uniforms" she states "Cool" Matt says as I laugh "This is a after school job right?" Mads asks "Yes, and you're off on weekends" Grandpa tells her "What about holidays?" "Yes" "I love this job already!" She exclaims as I laugh "Hey Cynthia, you guys have open mic nights right?" Emily asks "We do, Why?" "We could perform, Matt and I can play guitar, Mads can play piano, Nate and Ryan can be on the drums and Jade can sing. We'll perform covers and originals, it'll be great" She suggests "That sounds amazing" Grandma smiles at us "Thanks" I say "So.... when do we start?" Mads asks "How about next week?" Grandpa asks "Sure" Emily agrees "Wait, does Mom know about this?" "She knows and she's alright with it, as long as she can bring you and the gang to and from work every day" Grandma explains "What about Taylor?" "He's alright with it" I smile "Great" "Do you guys want me to take you back to the apartment?" Aunt Natali asks coming in from the main dining room "Yeah sure" Matt says as we all go outside and head home
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