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Mom knocks on the door to my room as I look up from my phone "Stop staring at that thing, you know what I always say" Mom says as I roll my eyes "'Social Media is the toilet of the internet'" I quote from her latest interview with Jimmy Kimmel as she laughs "You ok baby?" She hugs me "No... but I will be. I'm sorry I've been acting like a horrible daughter lately" I admit "It's ok honey, I get it, after your dad... did what he did I shut everyone out for a while, had to redeem myself, get space, let my thoughts run wild and actually let myself process what had actually happened to me that day. That's exactly what you had to do, what you still have to do" She says as I smile "Isn't hard though? I mean, I wanted to tell you Mom, I really did, I wanted to tell Matt. But I couldn't, I just couldn't, let's the hard part of it all" I tell them as she nods "I get that feeling" "Why am I starting to feel like you and I have been in almost the same exact situations?" I  ask her laughing "Because I was a teenager once, I know that sounds unbelievable to you. But I've been through the same experiences" I nod "Changing the subject: how's Bobby? Helping you?" "Obviously, he's been really helpful, Dad even requested to get me and the gang a gig at Welcome To The Johnson's on Saturday night! Can I go?" I smile "I'll talk to your dad about that one, if I do let you, you might have to sleep over at Mads's though" "Ok thanks" "Anytime" Mom hugs me "Can I ask you something?" I ask as Mom nods "Who helped you? When you were my age, you started out around 15 right?" Mom nods "A man named Bob Leone, he's a very sweet and amazing guy, I'd have to let you meet him" she smiles "He seems cool" "He was... he still is" She smiles "He taught me how to write amazing songs, He was my first manager when I was 17" she smiles "Back when you were knocking on every door in New York City dragging your keyboard?" I ask "More like when I was working after shifts and I'd practice my future Oscar speech, all the drunk dudes would laugh and say it'll never fucking happen" I laugh "Well those drunk dudes are laughing now, they were wrong, so fucking wrong" I tell Mom as she laughs
Hope u enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think! I decided to also add Bob Leone Bc He is so nice and he was technically Stefani's first manager lol

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