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I'm in the living room on my phone when I hear the door bell ring "I'll get it, since Jade is clearly to busy" Mom says sarcastically I roll my eyes as she opens the door to reveal Matt "Hey guys!" He exclaims "Look, ok so my parents want to meet you guys" he explains letting himself in the door "Oh...ok uh... what time?" Mom asks "Right now, if that's ok" "Taylor!" Mom yells "Yes?" He says running in "Matt's parents want to meet us" "Oh shit" he tells us "Language" Mom warns "Where's my big floppy hat?" She asks looking around the room "Mom, you can't wear a floppy hat I'm pretty sure people would know who you are, wear normal clothes, like I do" I tell her "Crop top and jeans?" She asks "Sure" I laugh nervously as she gets dressed and we quickly leave
Time skip........
We quickly get out before any paparazzi follow us we drive to Joanne's "Out of all the restaurants in the state of New York, they choose this one?" I ask "I guess so. My mom is half Italian so I guess she likes this place? I mean you're grandparents do serve the best food!" Matt says "That's true" I laugh as we get there
"Thank you Peter" I say as I exit the car and thank Moms driver "You're welcome Jade" I smile as we start heading in
I see Matt's parents and little sister and we walk up to them "Hi, it's nice to finally meet you two I'm Holly and this is my husband John" Holly says to Taylor and Mom "It's nice to meet you as well, I'm Stefani and this my fiancé Taylor"
"It's nice to meet you both. Let's have a seat shall we?" John asks as we sit down "Hi! I'm Maya" Maya grins "Hi honey" Mom waves "Oh this is my little sister Maya she's 13" "You look a lot like Gaga" Maya tells Mom as she laughs "That's funny sweetie. Is anybody hot in here or is it just me?" "Don't break cover" I hear Taylor whisper to her "So Jade tells us you two are into theatre?" John asks "Yes, we both have a passion for art and music." Taylor says "Yes we do, I've always had a passion for music from a very young age. I studied drama and acting when I was at NYU" "That's amazing" Holly states as the waiter walks up to us, and that waiter just happens to be my aunt
"Hi I'm Natali, and I'll be taking your order, let me start you off with something to drink?" She asks "Oh hey Jade, Matt" "Hey Aunt Nat" I smile "What's up sis?" Mom asks "Nothing much uhh Mom and Dad are in the back if you want to say hi-" "We're on a dinner. Maybe later please?" Mom asks
We order our food and drinks
"That was your sister?" Holly asks as Mom nods "Your grandparents own this restaurant?" "Your last name is Germanotta? You're Italian?" John asks "Yep" I swallow scared the will find out our identity "Why is there a Lady Gaga license plate on the wall?" Maya asks as Mom bursts out laughing "I'm sorry it's just-" "Wait are you...?" Mom nods "Yeah" "OH MY GOSH" Maya yells I laugh "I kinda knew that would happen" "YOURE MY IDOL" "Aww thank you Maya" Mom hugs me "I purpose you must be Mr Kinney" John says "That's me" John smiles "I love your roll in Vampire Diaries" "Well thank you" He says
We all chat another hour before we leave
Time skip..........
"Can I go back with you guys?" Matt asks "Sure. Sleep on the couch though ok?" Taylor tells him "Yes sir" he says I laugh
As we get home and go to bed
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