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The gang and I are walking out of school after a long day of final exams "Ugh I hate finals... they're so boring" Matt says "Agreed" we all say in unison as Mads nods "At least we have one more day of them" "Yeah until next year" Ryan groans "True, but just think, all this hard work will eventually pay off, and before you know it we'll all be at NYU performing all around New York" Emily tells us as I smile "Did I ever tell you that I love you?" "You tell all of us that all the time Jade" Nate tells me as I roll my eyes "You're like a mini Gaga that way" "Thanks? Honestly anything comparing me to my mom is a compliment for me" We all exit the one of the busiest streets in all of Manhattan: 5th Avenue
and get into Matt's car that's parked near one of the many stores and iconic venues "Seriously, Sacred Heart should have student parking" I say as Matt nods "I don't wanna be parking here all day, I'm stealing enough money from my dads wallet to pay the expensive ass parking tickets as it is" I raise an eyebrow at him "Just kidding" he says nervously "You look too much like Stefani when you do that" Nate says "Yeah it's kinda creepy" Ryan adds "Well I'm half of her DNA" I joke "You're a mini her but with brown hair" Mads says hugging me "Thanks? Again still taking that as a compliment" I tell her as we get in Matt's car and drive back to my apartment
Hope u enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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