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My friends and I are entering Sacred Heart as the head of the school Headmaster Ciancaglini speaks over the intercom "Students and staff don't forget that we are having tutoring after school for any student that is struggling" Ryan rolls his eyes as he looks at us "Y'know it's announcements like these that are annoying" we all look at him "What? There average annoying high school announcements. Pointless if you ask me" I laugh "Yeah ok" I say as some girls walk up to us "Hey look it's a Germ" Kayleigh says rolling her eyes and laughing at me "Y'know that name calling is useless right?" I ask as I open my locker "Like you" I mumble "What the hell did you just say to me?!" She says "Look Kaylee just fuck off already we don't want ya here" Mads says "Shut up Madison" Her one minion Abigail says to her "You shut up!" She yells as Kayleigh pushes me into my locker "You think people actually like you. You think that just because your mom makes millions that you're so special" "I don't fucking think that! I never thought that look dude, my life might not be perfect either but I'm sure as hell not bullying people because of it" I tell her "Ya know what Dylan was right. You are a bitch, don't ever come near me again go off and be a sl*t like your bitch of mother" "Shut the hell up ok? Kayleigh just leave Jade alone" Matt tells her hugging me "Seriously Matt? I still can't believe you chose her over me, for all I know she could be going out and dancing for dollars in bars like her mom" I look at her "You're a fucking bitch ya know that?" Emily tells her Kayleigh just smirks "Do I have permission to kick her in the face?" Mads asks "No!" I yell "I got this" I say as I push her into a wall "Two can play that game" I smirk as I walk away and come face to face with Headmistress Savino "Oh hey...." I say nervously "we were just going to French class" "My office Germanotta. NOW" Savino says "Ok ok" I turn to my friends "Text ya later" I whisper as they nod and Matt kisses me "Good luck babe" I smile
Time skip..........
I'm sitting in the office "Second fight this semester. What has gotten into you?" Savino asks "Bitches keep on trashing my mom imma trash them back" I say "Language Ms. Germanotta. Look, I have known you for a long time and I know you are nothing like this. I know the assault you experienced with Mr Greyson was been.... hard on you but that is no way to act" She tells me "How can I possibly stay calm when people are talking about my mom behind my back? I can't just live my high school years being called a sl*t and future go-go dancer every time I walk these halls. And I certainly can not sit there and have people talk about someone they know nothing about, sure there's google but they don't know my mom like I do and yes she was a rebel and was a troubled teenager and made a ton of mistakes, she had me when she was 18 I know that's young, but she left my asshole of a father and raised me for 7 years ON HER OWN. These people know nothing about us so why the hell are they judging?" I finish my rant "I most certainly agree with you Jade" I smile "Please don't call her. I'll just go home right now and tell my stepdad" I beg as she smiles "Ok. I'll let this one slide" "Thank you so much" I hug her as I walk out of the office
Time skip......
"How'd it go?" Nate asks as we walk back to my apartment "Good. She left me of the hook" I tell him "That's good" He says as I open the door to my apartment "Hopefully I can tell Taylor so Mom isn't up my ass about it" "Tell me what?" Taylor asks "I'm getting bullied" I say as Mom walks out "Oh my god sweetie. What do they say?" She runs up and hugs me "Stuff about you mostly, that I'll be a future go-go dancer and a hooker, that I'm useless and never will make it in music industry" I cry "Honey, Jade you know that shit isn't true right? I was told that I wouldn't make it many, many times. I had my locker vandalized and been thrown in the fucking trash. But look where I am now, all those people who said I'll never be famous all the people that abused me emotionally and verbally and mentally, I'm looking back and laughing at them because I know that they were wrong. I always stayed true to myself, and you should too" Mom says as she cries "I'm sorry" I say "Don't be sorry love" She kisses my forehead as Taylor hugs me "Thanks guys" I say as I look to my friends "Thanks for standing up for me" I smile
We all go and eat dinner the rest of the night
I finally updated lmao 😂 I saw A Star Is Born yesterday and I cried my eyes out also hope u enjoy this chapter don't forget to vote comment and tell me what ship name I should have for Jade and Matt! I'm thinking either Made or Jatt ??

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