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The next day the gang and I are in the living room with Dad and Aunt Nat as we hear Grandpa, Grandma, Mom and Taylor walk in the door "We're back!" Taylor yells as we all run up and hug them "Hi Lüc" Grandpa says "Hey Mr. Germanotta" dad waves "Thank you so much for taking care of the kids Lüc , hope they weren't a problem" Mom says to him "Not a problem at all" he looks back at me as I roll my eyes "Did you guys have a good night?" I nervously laugh and spit out my water that I was drinking "A wild one" Matt mumbles "Yeah I had to watch you all" Nate groans as Mom turns to Dad "I thought you were watching them?" "I was, up until the hospital then Nat got them" "HOSPITAL?!" Mom yells "What the fuck did you do Lüc?" "Nothing!" "I passed out ok? Dad took me to the hospital" I admit "Why'd you pass out?" Grandma asks "Don't tell me you've been drinking" the gang and I all look at each other "Seriously?! Jade, I thought you were better than that" "I was... I am" I tell her "I don't think she'll even want to think about drinking after last night huh J?" Matt asks as he hugs me "Right babe" I kiss him "Oh yeah!" Lüc shouts "Why didn't you guys tell me my daughters been having sex?" "We meant to tell you...  it just never came up?" Taylor says but it sounds like a question "I wanted to tell you when the time was right, I just didn't think it was necessary my place to tell you" Mom explains to Dad as he nods "Oh ok" he turns to the door "Well I gotta go, feel better Jade" he hugs me and I smile "Thanks Dad" he leaves and we all sit on the couch to watch TV for the rest of the afternoon
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