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I'm in the living room as Mads and Matt burst through the door "We got a problem!" Mads yells as I jump up "What happened?" "You're not gonna like this" Matt says "What's going on?" "You might want to keep her from punching a wall" Mads tells Matt as he nods "Noted" he hugs me "Ok Jade... Dylan, he's Lüc's son" Mads slowly tells me "W-what?" The boys and Emily start running into the apartment J, we gotta tell you something" Nate starts yelling then stops and looks at us "Oh" "Well she already knows" Emily whispers "You ok?" Ryan adds "How the hell did you guys find this out? Do you know if it's even true?" I ask as we all sit back down on the couch "Well we googled Dylan's name and it came up, with Lüc's name on it, I assume you know he's got a new wife, A.K.A Dylan's mom, then you came into the article also, some paparazzi got a picture of Dylan and you that day I guess" Emily explains "So I texted Dylan, asked him if it was true and where he was, we need answers, and apparently hate to say it but I don't think your dad has fully changed, he's still violent in a lot of ways, fought with the cops when they refused to let Dylan free after he bailed him out" Nate adds "Wait, wait wait, so now we're meeting him somewhere? Hell no I can't, not after everything that's happened" I start to panic "I'll go with you" We hear a voice say and we all turn to see Mom "Seriously do you always sneak up on people like that?" Matt yells as she laughs "I always knew your dad was low, never thought he'd be having an affair, but of course that's not what I expected of any of my exes" she says quietly "He raised a son with the same intentions he did at that age. Take advantage of women, I will not let that happen, especially not to my daughter. Let's go" I turn to Emily "Where is he?" "Right outside of Briarcliff Manor" "Oh no, I've seen this episode of Gossip Girl, it does NOT end well" Mads says "Where even is that?" I ask "Near Rockefeller Park" Mom says "I'll have Ed drive us, let's go"
Time skip......
We all get to Baircliff Manor and look around "I don't see him" Matt says as he falls "Babe!" I yell as I help him get up and see another 16 year old "Dylan" I growl "Pleased to see me? I heard you been spending time with your dad, our dad" "I'm not related to you" I shake my head "Oh there's where you're wrong" he smirks as Lüc appears "I trusted you" I cry "You shouldn't have" "Why the hell would you do this?" Mads demands "Because I wanted to help my son!" "I can't believe I fucking let you back into my life and take care of our daughter after all the shit I went through! No wonder you weren't there for J's birth, you were to busy taking care of your wh*re and sw*ne of a son!" Mom yells at him as Mads hugs her "Calm down Stefi" she whispers "I am calm!" She yells back I roll my eyes "You're nothing but dead to me" I say to Lüc "I wanted to give you a chance, believe you've changed. Sounds like you're the same person you were 15 years ago" "Look J, I still care about you and want to be in your life-" "You best believe that when we're done here we'll never see each other again" I say as "Mother Monsters coming out!" Mads yells "Behold!" She yells as Mom comes up to him "Listen here Lüc and you listen good, I was stupid to believe you, everything you said I believed, I fucking dyed my hair because you said brunettes were boring, you said that I'd never make it in the music industry or as a actress, tell that to fucking Oscar, 9 Grammys and 2 Golden Gobles! I lost my identity because I was in a relationship with you, you told me not to believe in myself, you told me nothing would work out for me, you just had to keep yourself in my life as soon as I broke up with your sorry ass" "I'm sorry Stefani" "None of this can ever be forgiven. You fucked up Lüc, can't get yourself out of this mess" she says as we all leave and the cops are called to arrest Lüc and Dylan again
Hope u enjoyed this little plot twist, and this chapter don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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