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The gang and I are walking home from school "I hate school" Emily mumbles "Mood" Nate agrees "Who knew math could be so hard?" I ask "It's Algebra. What do you expect?" Ryan tells me "I'm bored" Mads says "Same" Matt laughs "Hey uh Jade?" He asks me "Yeah?" "I know we've been hanging out with the gang and we've been boyfriend and girlfriend for almost 2 weeks, so... I was wondering if you wanna go on our first official date?" Matt asks "Matt.... I- I will" I smile and hug him "Ok well... I'll pick you up at 6" he smiles "Awwww!!!!!" Mads yells as we look at her "Sorry did I ruin the moment?" She asks as we all laugh "Kinda" we get to my apartment
"Mads and I will go and help you pick out your outfit!" Emily cheers "Thanks Em" I smile "See ya guys later" We say to the guys as we walk inside
Time skip..........
When we get inside I start smiling like crazy "Hey girls..." Taylor walks in "HEY GIRL HEY GIRL WE CAN MAKE IT EASY IF WE LIFT EACH OTHER" Mads yells "Sorry" "What's up with Smiley?" Taylor asks motioning to me "She has a date with Matt" Emily tells him "Stef get in here!" Taylor yells at Mom as she comes running in "What's wrong? Is someone hurt?" She asks "No but your daughter has her first date tonight with her boyfriend" He explains as Mom hugs me "Aww honey!" "Yeah, yeah, yeah I gotta go pick out an outfit" I say as Mads, Emily and I head to my room
"Ok.... so what look are we going for?" Mads asks "I don't know" I laugh "I don't know how this shit works" "Ok... uhh how about this?" Emily pulls out an outfit from my closet "I don't think so, it's too mature in my opinion. Plus basically all my mom has in her closet is Versace and I don't wanna look like I'm trying too hard..." I tell them "Ok well then how about this?" Mads asks pulling out an outfit

" I tell them "Ok well then how about this?" Mads asks pulling out an outfit

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"I love it. It's perfect!" I say going to the bathroom to put it on and coming out a minute later "It's amazing. Thanks guys" I hug them "Hey, no sweat. You're one of our best friends. Obviously we're gonna help you we love you" Emily tells me "I second that" Mads adds and we laugh "I love your guys too" I say as we walk out
Time skip........
Taylor and Mom are waiting for us in the living room "Awww look at you. You look amazing kiddo" Taylor tells me "Thanks Tay" I know right? Our baby girls so grown up" Mads jokes hugging Emily and I "Mads, she's my baby. And she looks amazing" Mom hugs me "Gaga, I was being sarcastic" Mads tells her "Don't call me Gaga Mads" "Oh no. Don't get her started" Emily tells her faceplaming
"IVE NEVER SEEN ONE LIKE THAT BEFORE. DONT LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT YOU AMAZE ME" Mads sings "You got her started" I tell Mom "So when's Matt getting here?" Taylor asks as the door rings "Right now I guess" I tell him as I open the door and I see him in a tux "We going to some fancy restaurant cause you're in a tux?" I ask "You're in a dress so maybe" He laughs "I actually called your Grandma and Grandpa and they said you're welcome to eat at Joanne's" Taylor tell us "Aww thanks babe" Mom kisses him "Well we're gonna go" I say "Love you guys" I say "Be back by 10!" Mom yells as we close the door
Time skip.......
"I don't have a car so we have to walk" Matt says as I laugh "It's cool. It's good exercise" I tell him as we hear cameras flashing and I turn around and see paparazzi "Fuck... we gotta go" I say "Why?" Matt asks "Paparazzi... run" I grab his hand and we run to the restaurant
We walk in the door "Woah, woah, woah what's the rush?" Grandpa asks "Paparazzi... are... outside" I say out of breath Grandma laughs "Well that's what you get when you're the daughter of a superstar" she leads us to our table "Do they always take pictures of you?" Matt asks "Not really. My mom is very protective of me that way, she wants me to have a normal teenage live. Sometimes it's kinda hard though" I tell him "I bet.... so what do you wanna talk about? Do you wanna get to know each other better?" He asks "Sure" I say "Well.... I'm Matt Brown... I'm 15. My birthdays March 14th...my moms a doctor and my dads a business man, I have a 13 year old sister who is obsessed with your mom" I laugh "And I'm originally from New Jersey" he finishes "Ok my turn..... I'm Jade Germanotta... I'm 14.... my birthdays February 19th.... my moms a superstar and my stepdads a actor... I don't have any siblings.... and I'm from New York born and raised" I tell him "Uhh.... can I ask you something?" Matt asks "Yeah" I say "Where's your dad?" I freeze "If it's too personal you don't have to answer" He says "No it's fine... when my mom was 18, she got of a relationship... with my dad. One night when after work she was walking home and my dad came up to her... tried to take her back and.... raped her" I tell him "She got pregnant with me and left my dad. My grandparents helped take care of me for 7 years before Mom and Taylor met on the set of the 'Yoü and I' music video" I tell him "Oh.... J, I'm so sorry" Matt says "It's fine. It's in the past" I say as he hugs me "Wanna go home? We're done eating" "Yeah" I tell him "Bye Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Nat" I yell ppp"Night guys!" They yell back as we leave
Time skip.......
We get home "Night... Love you" Matt says to me as he kisses me "Night. Love you too" I say as I walk in "How was it?" Mom asks hugging me "Pretty good. What did d you guys do when I was gone?" I ask "Oh Em and Mads were doing karaoke of my songs" I laugh "Really guys? All of them?" "From Bad Romance to Grigio Girls" Taylor says "We're there any paparazzi?" He asks "PAPA-PAPARAZZI" Mads yells "Seriously?" I laugh "And yeah but we ended running to Joanne's" I tell them "Ok good. I don't want anyone harassing you or Matt" Mom tells me as the girls and I head to my room
Hey guys quick question: what should Matt and Jade's ship name be? Comment down below and don't forget to vote!

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