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I'm walking towards my locker quietly singing Dancing In Circles, my mom's song when I walk into someone "Oh shit- I'm so sorry" I say as I bend down to help the person pick up their books "It's ok" A boy laughs "I'm Matt by the way and I'm new in case you couldn't tell" I smile "I'm Jade. It's nice to meet you. And I am so sorry for bumping into you" I apologize "Oh don't worry. You have an awesome voice by the way" Matt says "Thanks I guess" I laugh "Lady Gaga?" Matt asks I nod "You listen to her?" I ask "Sometimes... ok all the time. I have a little sister who loves her to death" he says I laugh "That's nice" I look at him "So uh what's your next class?" I ask "English" He says "I have that too. Come on we can walk together" I tell him
Time skip........
We get to English aka the only class the gang and I have together
I walk to the back row to join them "Hey guys this is Matt he's new" I say "Matt, these are my friends, Nate, Ryan, Mads and Emily" I introduce "Hey guys nice to meet you" he hugs them as the teacher comes in and teaches the lesson
Time skip........
After 8 boring hours school is over
"That was fucking annoying" Mads groans "School is annoying" Matt says as we all nod "I like you already" Mads comments and I laugh "Wanna go to a cafe near my apartment? It's really nice" I tell them "Yeah I've never been there" Emily says
We get to the cafe "Wanna get to know each other?" Nate asks "Sure" Matt agrees "I'll go first... uh full name: Matthew Brown. I don't have a middle name" he laughs "Ok now me. Nathan Mason Gomez" He says as Emily bursts out laughing "What?" He asks "Nathan Mason?" She laughs "Yup.... it's embarrassing" "Ok me. Emily Allison Kelly" She says "Woah that's like 3 first names in one" I comment "Ok my turn Madison Skye Walker" Mads says "I knew Mads stood for something!" Matt yells as I roll my eyes "I'm Ryan Cruz. Don't have a middle name either" He laughs "Well... I am officially the only one with two middle names" I say "Jade Elizabeth Marie-" I take a deep breath "Germanotta" I whisper "That's a unique last name" Matt says "Thanks it's been in my family forever" I say "Wait... Isn't that-?" I nod "Please don't be pissed. I don't really want people to know it's just- I really like you even though you probably think it's weird because we just met but-" he gets us and kisses me "Jade... I don't want to you to worry ok? I like you too and I'm not gonna be with you because of who you mom is. I'm gonna be with you because I wanna be with you. Because even though we just met a couple hours ago, I really care about you" I smile and blush "I care about you too Matt" I hug him and kiss him back "Hey wanna go to my apartment? Meet my parents?" I ask "Sure" he says "Oh by the way Matt I just added you in our Group Chat and you are officially a new member of our group" Emily says "Finally we need another boy" Nate says I roll my eyes as we leave the cafe
Time skip.......
"Hey Mom, Tay!" I yell as we enter the apartment "Hey Ms G and Mr K!" Mads yells as Taylor and Mom walk out "We're going by abbreviations now?" Taylor asks as Mads nods "Who's this?" Mom asks "I'm Matt and just so you know I like your daughter" He says "I kissed her also" I roll my eyes "Matt they're ok with that" "Just to make sure" as Mom smiles "It's fine babe. We're ok with that. So how'd you meet?" She asks "Well... I was singing and I bumped into him" I say "She has an amazing voice Ms Germanotta" Matt says as Mom smiles "Dancing In Circles?" She asks as I nod "You love that song. You won't stop singing it" She laughs "We kinda bonded over you actually" Matt says "That's cool" Mom says nervously "Relax Mom. He's a teenager not the government" I laugh as Mads and I start singing "IM A GOVERNMENT HOOKER" "JADE ELIZABETH MARIE GERMANOTTA" Mom yells "STEFANI JOANNE ANGELINA GERMANOTTA" I yell back as I smirk "Two can play that game" Taylor laughs as Mom looks at him "What? I- sorry" He says as I roll my eyes "Can we have a sleepover? All of us?" Emily asks "Yeah please Mom?" I ask "Ok fine. But in the living room" "YAYYYYYY" I yell as Mom laughs "Can we watch AHS?" I ask "Hotel or Roanoke?" I ask "Hotel.... doesn't give you that many nightmares" she says as she turns on Netflix and we watch AHS until midnight with Mom and Taylor
What do u think about Matt and Jade's relationship? Do u think they should date? Lmk in the comments and don't forget to vote! Thanks

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