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Mom and I are in her car on the way to school "Can't Peter just drive us?" I ask
A/N: idk her drivers name and ik peter's her bodyguard but in this fanfic pretend he's both! 😂)
"Y'know how I like my freedom" Mom says as I roll my eyes "That is true" I mumble "Besides... it'll be good for me to talk to your principal about your situation with Dylan" "Mom please no... I can't fucking do that! I'm not letting you do that ok?!" I yell "Sorry" I say as she smiles "It's fine darling. Just... please let me. It'll be good and I won't do anything stupid ok? I promise babe"  "Ok fine" I say as we get out of the car and enter the school
Time skip.............
My friends walk up to me as we get into school "Woah so that's your mom?" Ryan asks "She looks like your sister" I laugh "Thanks I guess? Oh by the way Mom this is Ryan and Nate, guys this is my mom Stefani" I introduce as Mom shakes their hands "Nice to meet you. And I'm deeply sorry about yesterday, he was out of control" She apologizes "It's fine. We get it" Nate says as the bell rings "We have to get to class" Emily says "J, you coming?" She asks me "Yeah one sec" I say as I turn to Mom "You sure you'll be fine?" I ask "I've done this before honey... I'll be fine I'll come get you when it's over" she says as she walks to the principal's office
Time skip......
"Will Dylan Greyson please report to the principal's office?" I hear the vice principal say over the intercom as I'm walking out of my English class Mads and Nate meet me "Yay!" I cheer as they hug me "I'm so fucking excited" I tell them "Language" I hear a voice say and turn around to see my mom "Holy shit Gaga don't do that" Mads says as Mom gives her the death glare for cursing "Yeah I'll shut up now" she says as she opens her locker to put her books away Ryan and Emily walk up to us "What's up?" Emily asks "Jade's mom scares the shit outta me" Mads says as I laugh "MADISON WHATEVER YOUR MIDDLE AND LAST NAME IS" Mom yells "It's Skye and Walker" Ryan buts in "MADISON SKYE WALKER" Mom yells "Calm down Ms. G" Nate says "One thing Nathan. Never call me "Ms G" again" She hisses as Nate hides behind Emily "She's scaring me" I roll my eyes "My mom's not that bad" I say as we laugh
Short ass chapter I didn't know wtf to write but here ya go hope u enjoy

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