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The gang and I in Homeroom "So today, as you all know, is Career Day" our teacher Mrs.Cottrell "You told us like a million times" Matt jokes as I stiff a laugh "Watch the attitude, Mr Brown, or you'll be sitting in the Headmistress's office" "Yes ma'am" Matt says nervously "Now, here with us today, we have the co founder of a special foundation you probably all have heard of, Jade's grandmother, Cynthia Germanotta." Grandma walks up to the front of the room "Hello everyone, I'm sure you have all heard of the Born This Way Foundation. A foundation my daughter and I created about 7 years ago, it all started when my daughter had an idea to help young people, like yourselves, confront and talk about mental heath as it was just as important as talking about your physical heath. My daughter, Stefani, had a hard time in school and was bullied a lot as a teenager, as a mother of 2 young girls, at the time I didn't know how to help her, didn't realize all the signs that came with the symptoms of mental health, Anxiety, depression. This is why we came up with the idea of The Born This Way Foundation, to show and explain to teenagers and maybe even adults that are struggling to know that they are not alone. We are available at all times if you need us, we follow Stefani on tour and host pop up sessions at venues. Hopefully you will follow this message, and please, if you are struggling, I highly advise that you come and talk to us. Thank you for your time" my grandmother smiles as everyone claps and Grandma comes up to us "How's your day so far?" She asks "Pretty good I guess" I laugh "Why?" "Well... how would you like to see your mom's dress rehearsal? Get to see the Haus, Aunt Nat? Grandpa already brought over fried chicken from Artbird and Taylor's waiting in the car" "Can we come to?" Mads asks "Of course. There's plenty of room, plus you kids are like family to us, how could we not say no?" Emily laughs "Thank you Mrs. G" "Call me Cynthia, Mrs. G makes me sound too old" Nate laughs as we all look at him, then he stops "Sorry" he mumbles as I roll my eyes "Come on let's go!" Ryan yells as the 6 of us run out of the classroom and wait out in the hallway while Grandma notifies Mrs. Cottrell
Hopefully this is good😂😩 don't forget to vote and comment what u thought of this chapter

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