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My friends and I are walking out of school just as the bell rings "Ya know we should have a sleepover" Emily states "Just the girls" she looks at the boys "Ok, ok we're unwanted we get that" Nate says "You're not unwanted Nate don't say that, we just wanted some time to ourselves" Mads tells him "Yeah ok, well do you guys wanna hang out at my place then?" He asks Matt and Ryan "Yeah sure" Matt says "I'm game" Ryan adds "Ok well we'll see you guys later" I say "Love ya Matt" I kiss him "Love you too Jade" He says as Emily, Mads and I walk back to my apartment
Time skip...........
We get into my apartment "Yo!" I yell "I don't think they're here" Emily states "Ya sure cause I hear music coming from their room" Mads states I turn to her "Mads.... I don't think that's music" I say slowly as we all shudder "Who's gonna get them?" Emily asks "Not me!" We all say in unison
We hear footsteps coming from across the room "They're coming" I state as we hide behind the couch "When do you think Jade will be home babe?" Mom asks "I'm sure in a little bit. She's probably out with the gang or something, ya know teenagers" Taylor laughs Mom laughs also and kisses him "You guys do know we're right here" I say jumping up as Emily and Mads follow me "How long have you been standing there?" Mom asks "Long enough" Emily shudders "So... anyway can we have a sleepover?" "Sure" Taylor agrees "Yay! Thanks Tay" I hug him
"No problem sweetie" he says as the girls and I go to my room
Time skip...........
"So can we hear more  about this 'Jake' guy?" Emily asks Mads as she blushes "Madi! You're blushing" I shout as she laughs "I know dumbass, anyway I told him and he said that we can maybe try for a relationship" "I can't believe I have a boyfriend!" "Meanwhile I'm still here single" Emily whines "Relax Em, You'll find someone" I tell her
We talk for a few hours before Mads goes on her phone and yells 'Fuck!' "What's wrong?" "There's this thing down in Brooklyn that my history teacher wanted me to go to, it's worth 50% of our grade and I'm just stressed out" Mads explains "We'll sneak out then" I say "We can't sneak out, your mom will kill me" "If we tell her it's a project for school, which it is we'll be fine" "I don't know. It's 10:00 at night and the library is only open for 3 more hours and it would take us an hour to get there if we take the subway" Mads says "Then we'll sneak out it'll be fine" Emily says as I nod "Fine but we have to be back before midnight, or at least before they catch us" Mads says as she opens the window and we climb out
Time skip........
We take the subway all the way to Brooklyn and get to the library Mads works while Emily and I sit there "Need help?" I ask "Yeah, we'll get out of here faster"
We all work for another hour and we get back on the subway to Manhattan we finally get back to my apartment where we are greeted by Taylor and Mom "It was for a project!" Emily yells "Mads had a thing to go to in Brooklyn for school and it was so late at night we didn't wanna tell you so we snuck out" I explain "Next time tell us first ok?" Taylor says to us as we nod and all go to sleep
Hey guys ok i have a quick announcement first BUY AND STREAM SHALLOW! PLZ I am literally so shook about this song I can't explain it I almost died (metaphorically ofc 🤣) while listening to it it's absolutely phenomenal also BUY UR TICKETS FOR A STAR IS BORN I already bought my tickets & I'm seeing in first night screening and I am sf excited I can't wait ok now enough my rant tell me what u think of this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment I rlly appreciate it

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