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The gang (except Nate) and I are at our lockers talking before the next class period starts "How do you guys think his date went?" Emily asks "Ten bucks they already kissed" Ryan adds as I laugh and see Nate walking up with a girl who must be Riley "Hey guys!" He yells heading over to us "Your in a good mood" Matt says as Nate shrugs "How was Math" "Boring as usual" we all laugh "So Riley, these are my friends, Jade, Matt, Emily, Mads and Ryan. Guys this is my girlfriend Riley" Nate says as he introduces everyone "Hi guys, Nate's told me so much about all of you" Riley tells us "All good things I hope" I laugh nervously "He said you guys started a band? Where do you perform at?" "Yeah we did, J and the Gang, it's pretty lit" Mads says "Dive bars mostly" I add answering Riley's question "So how was the date?" Matt asks as I roll my eyes "It was amazing, we kinda went to a honestly shitty restaurant, no offense babe but it was pretty great overall" Riley tells us "So I'm guessing Nate picked the place huh? What a surprise" Mads jokes "It's ok babe. It was a pretty shitty place" he says to Riley "Why'd you pick it then?" I ask laughing as we start to head to our next classes as the bell rings right then and there "I don't know" he says as Emily rolls her eyes "Well see ya guys" we all part our separate ways and go to our classes
Hope u enjoyed this chapter don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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