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The gang at school and we walk to the main hall and we see a board with a bunch of club sign ups on it
"Hey J, you should sign up for the talent show tonight" Nate tells me as I roll my eyes "Yeah right" "Seriously, you have a hella great voice" Emily adds "Plus you write songs so you have an advantage" "I don't know..." I mumble "The way you write songs does remind me of how your mom writes" Ryan says "What?" I ask "Never mind" he mumbles "Ok, I'll do it" I say "YAYYYYYYYY" Mads cheers "Ok weirdo" I joke as thee bell rings meaning school is over
Time skip...........
We're walking back to my apartment "So what song are ya thinking on singing?" Matt asks "I was thinking 'Gyspy' maybe?" I tell them "or 'Joanne'"
"You can maybe sing both" Emily suggests "Yeah I probably will" "See that's a great idea" I roll my eyes "Thanks for the idea Em" I tell her as we get in the apartment
"Mom I need you to teach me how to sing 'Gyspy'!" I yell as she and Taylor walk in "Ok... can you tell me way?" Mom asks "There's a talent show at school" Matt tells her "Ohhhh cool, is that the only song you're singing?" "I was thinking maybe 'Joanne' also?" I ask "Sure! It'll be a great tribute to your great aunt!" I smile "Thanks"
We all walk into the kitchen "So when is this talent show?" Taylor asks as he takes a sip of water "Tonight" Emily tells him as he spits out his drink "Damn... ya better start singing then" he says to me as I roll my eyes "That's what I'm planning on doing" I mumble as we start vocal warm-ups
Time skip...........
We're all at the talent show including Aunt Nat and Grandma and Grandpa
My friends and I walk backstage
"You sure that I can do this? Cause I don't think I can do this" I start to become nervous "You'll be fine" Matt says I smile "Thanks" "and- if you become nervous we'll be on stage making fools out of ourselves singing with you" Nate says as I laugh as I hear my name being called on stage and people cheering "Wish me luck" I tell them "Break a leg" Mads says as I look at her "What? It was either that or me saying 'break a hip' and I didn't think that was appropriate" I roll my eyes "Well thanks" I say as I walk on stage and music begins to play
Gyspy music vid above^^
As I finish final note everyone claps
I smile and look at my family, then begin to sing the next song

Joanne (Where do you think you're going) music video ^^
I look out again and see Grandpa crying and Mom hugging him
I walk back backstage to meet my friends "It went pretty well don't ya think?" Emily hugs me "Yeah it did" I agree "My grandpa cried..." "Well Joanne is probably a hard topic to talk about in your family" Mads says as I nod "She is. Especially for him" I mumble as I hug my friends "I love you guys" "We love you too" They say as we walk out to greet my family
Time skip........
"Jade... that was beautiful" Grandma says as she hugs me "Thanks" I smile "You ok Dad?" Mom asks as he nods "I am...it's just hard" "It is, for all of us" She agrees "But that was amazing darling" I smile "Thanks" I say as we start to head home

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