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I walk out to the living room the next morning Taylor glares at me "Yeah, you're definitely pissed" I mumble "You were Matt's age!" I yell "Jade Germanotta! Don't yell at Taylor" Mom yells at me as I roll my eyes "I was Matt's age, but I also thought things though. I thought you and Matt broke up in the first place because you weren't ready?" He asks me "I wasn't, but now I think I am" I tell him "Ok well, let me now when you're going to, because I have to give Matt a thing or two" "Gross. We get it, you have sex" I say as I get a banana then put it back "Y'know What I'm not hungry" I say as Mom rolls her eyes "I'm taking you to school" she tells me as I nod and hug Taylor "Bye Tay, love you" I say "Love you too J" he says as we leave
Time skip........
We pull up to the school "I'm sorry I overreacted" Mom tells me as we're in the parking lot "Ya think?" I mumble "It's just you remind me so much of me when I was your age, and when you were with Matt, it was like I was 16 again, sneaking into your fathers apartment and getting caught by grandpa" she explains "Mom, you realize I'm not gonna turn into you. You gotta stop worrying about that shit" "I was young, and wild, made horrible decisions at such a young age, your grandpa thought I was crazy...and I probably was at the time" she laughs "I'm not gonna go into the bar next store and dance on tables. Hell, if I had my way I'd probably be at the Bitter End performing with the gang. Sure, I'm gonna follow your footsteps... music wise" I tell her "Well that's good. I'm glad, I'll see you after school, please call me if you're planning on going anywhere after school, I don't want to go to the police station again" she says as I laugh "Ok" I say as I go inside
Time skip.........
I meet up with the gang "Are your parents still pissed at me?" Matt asks "Are you really asking that?" I ask "What happened?" Ryan asks "We made out... and Taylor walked in" I explain "Yikes... hey at least you weren't about to have sex" Emily tells me as I look at her "Jade! Seriously?!" She yells "What? I'm sorry... I can't help that Matt's hot" "So I can imagine Stefani's pissed" Mads says "Ya imagined right. She told me to call her 'Ms Germanotta'" Matt tells her "Yikes she is pissed! If she lets you call her Stefani, then you mess up and she says call her Gaga or Ms Germanotta, then you know you did something wrong" Mads explains "Way to make me feel better Mads" Matt says sarcastically "Sorry" she holds her hands up in surrender "Come on guys let's get to class" I say as the bell rings and we all go our separate ways
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