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My friends and I are walking around the Malibu area, but still near my moms house "I still can't believe we're staying here the whole summer!" Mads cheers "If you keep on saying it Mads, it's gonna get annoying real fast" I tell her "It's already annoying" Ryan comments as Mads playfully hits his elbow "Ow!" I limb a little "Are you sure your legs ok, Jade?" Matt asks concerned "Yeah it's fine" I say "You sure?" He asks again "I'm positive! It's ok-" I fall as Emily and Matt pick me up "We need to go back to the house, now" I demand as Matt nods and carries me on his shoulders and the others run as we head back to the house
Time skip......
We get back as Mom and Bradley are on the couch in the living room "Mommy" I whine as I climb off Matt's shoulders and limb to her "I don't think this is just from having sex" I explain as she nods "Ok, don't worry honey, I'll have my doctor come in an hour and check out your leg" Mom says to me as we all nod "Isn't your doctor for your fibermyalgia?" Ryan asks "for my hip, yes. But she can also help for Jade's issue" "Tissue? My leg is a tissue?!" I yell as Mads and Matt come up to me and hug me "J, come down its gonna be ok, it's probably not even that serious" Mads says
An hour later the doctor comes (don't know Gaga's doctors name ugh I should Bc she was in Five Foot Two and I've watched that like 3M times, but I don't remember her name 😢)
"Your leg is sprained" she announces as I look at Mads "'It's not that serious' you said, 'it'll be fine' you said, well look where we're at now!" I tell her as Matt quickly kisses me "So it wasn't because of the sex?" Matt asks "Well, that could've contributed to the pain yes" the doctor states as he nods "Noted" "Wait how old are you kids?" "Jade and I? I'm 16 and J's 15" he answers "Well, I started having sex at 17" "OK! People, let's not make this doctors visit into a sex talk!" Bradley yells as the gang and I start laughing as the doctor starts to leave "Well, best of luck in healing, Stefani, I advise you're doing well?" She asks Mom "Taking care of myself the best I can" Mom replies as Grandma and Grandpa come in the room and sit in the couch also "What did we miss?" Aunt Nat as popping up out of nowhere "Jade's leg is sprained" Nate fills her in "Oh dear" Grandma mumbles "We're so sorry" "Hey, could be worse, it could've been broken" Emily says "Don't jinx it!" I tell her as she puts her hands up in surrender "Sorry" we all sit on the big couch and watch TV in the living room for the rest of the night
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