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I'm walking out of my study hall to go to my 9th period AP English class as I see the gang by the lockers "Hey what's up? Y'know we're gonna be late right?" I ask as I open my locker and get my books "True, but hey it'll be worth it" Matt laughs as he kisses me "Do we have work today?" Mads asks "I'll ask Papa G" Emily says as she walks off and calls him "I'm so glad it's the last period of the day" Mads groans "And a Friday" Ryan adds "I'm so done with school" Nate agrees as I nod "I got an essay in English that's due Monday" I tell the others as the bell rings "I feel ya, got a test in history" Ryan tells me as Matt nods "Walk ya to class? I gotta go to history anyway" "The class ya got a test in?" I ask Matt as he nods sadly "Good luck" I say I walk ahead of him and say bye to the gang
Time skip......
"Hope you're not late to class because of me" Matt tells me as I roll my eyes "If anything we're late together" I laugh as he stops and looks at me "Did I ever tell you you're beautiful?" I smile "Thanks, you're handsome" I laugh as he kisses me and we start making out I smile as Matt kisses my neck and then we hear a throat clear and we pull away "Uh-" Matt starts as Ms Savino raises her eyebrows at us "Ms Savino, fancy seeing you here, in honor of that pantsuit you are only slightly too old to pull off" I tell her as Matt stiffs a laugh "Anything amusing Mr Brown?" "No ma'am" Matt quickly says "We're really sorry" I say "Save it Ms  Germanotta" Savino barks "Uh it's actually Germanotta, with an Italian pronouncement on the 'T's'" "I don't care!" She yells "Ok then" I mumble as I look at Matt "I will be calling your parents about this after school" She warns as she walks away and we gulp
Time skip......
After school we enter my apartment and are greeted by yelling "Jade Elizabeth Marie Germanotta!" I hear Mom yell from the kitchen "Well that's a lovely greeting" I say sarcastically as Matt and the others look at me "You almost had sex in school?!" Bradley yells "It wasn't even sex" Matt says "Yeah we were just briefly making out" I explain "I see this is a family issue..." Mads says as her and the others start to get up and leave "Madison!" Mom yells "Yes queen" she quietly says as she sits back down
"Did you get detention?" Bradley asks I roll my eyes "We're here right?" "Jade!" "Sorry... no" I say as "It's a good thing you don't have work today" She says as she looks at us "You can all sleepover if you want" the others smile "Cool"
Hope u enjoyed this chapter!
High school is kicking my ass 😭

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