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"Something, something about my cool Nebraska guy"
I'm singing "Yoü and I" as I walk to my room as Mom stops me "I wrote that song about your father" She states "Really?" I ask "You wrote a song about your ex yet you had your boyfriend play the major part in the music video?" Mom starts laughing "I wrote it way before it released it. Before everything went downhill" she says "That lady at the bar said you were in a bad relationship before you got... y'know" I mumble "I was with him for a few years. It was bad and I didn't know it. I was 18 and looking for a place to live, I didn't know it was gonna end how it ended. I tried to run away, but abusive relationships are kinda hard to get out of" She sighs "After a few weeks, I was able to escape his wrath, or at least I thought I was. One night when I was walking home from work, your dad came... and I guess the future can tell a story" she looks at me and I hug her "I'm sorry you had to go through that Mom. No one deserves that" I tell her "It's fine J, it's been 14 years. And yeah, the scar is permanent. But I'm slowly but surely recovering from it" I smile "I'm glad you are. You can talk to me about this y'know Mom? I'm a fucking kid but I can handle anything you throw at me" I say as she laughs "I'll keep that noted. Hey do you wanna maybe go to Joanne's for dinner?" She asks as I nod
Time skip.........
We drive to Joanne's with Taylor and open the door as Grandpa gives us each a big hug "Stef! Taylor! Jade! How are you 3?" He asks "We're fine Joe. Thank you for asking" Taylor says "You're welcome. And I told you before Tay, call me Dad. You're my future son in law after all" He smiles as we sit down at a private table in the back "What do you want to eat?" He asks "I'll have the White Truffle Alfredo" Mom tells him "What would you like Jade?" Grandma asks me "Just the Spaghetti And Meatballs" I tell her "Oh by the way, can you please give me the family recipe?" I ask "Your mother has it" He says as I smile and we finish eating or meals when they come
Short chapter but whatever also... I was looking at the menu for Joanne's and now I'm craving that White Truffle Alfredo that sounds SF GOOD now I'm hungry 😋
Hope u enjoy this part and tell me what u thought!

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