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It's the next day and the gang and I are walking into school "Another day of boredom" Nate groans as we get to the main hall where our lockers are "I know, We don't got health right?" Emily asks "Don't have Em, it's don't have" I correct her "Ok grammar police" she holds her hands up in surrender as Matt kisses me and I smile "Ok why are you two in such a good mood?" Mads asks smirking at us "Either they had sex or Stefani released LG6" Ryan suggests as I roll my eyes "If LG6 was released all the Little Monsters would know about it, Mads would know about it, Matt's sister would know about it, and since they don't. The answer is no" I state "Wait... so your  telling us you guys...." Emily starts as Mads cuts her off by saying "went to Venus?" Matt and I burst out laughing "That's a great pun" I start "Although we would probably die if we went to Venus because of the heat" Matt adds "Ok Mr Scientist" Emily rolls her eyes "Says the one who's failing Science" "Hey it's a hard subject ok?! Plus I got a C+ that's not really a bad grade!" Emily defends herself "Don't we have work today?" Nate asks as I nod and we all head to class
Time skip.........
We are walking into Joanne Trattoria to begin work after a long day of school "Hey!" I yell as Natali waves to us "Hey guys, Dad's in the kitchen" I nod as we all head to the kitchen "Hi kids, how was school today?" He asks "We had Health" Mads says "It was boring as usual" Nate says "As well as it should be" Grandpa laughs as he puts his apron away and gets ours out which we take "we learned how to put a condom on a banana, in my opinion it was pointless" Nate tells him "Ah, well you see young man, it's exactly very important, you have to use protection while having sex so you don't get a girl pregnant" "How old were you Papa G?" Mads asks "I was about 19 maybe 20, So was Cynthia. Your mother, Well, you know how that turned out" we all nod "I was 16" Matt says as he then covers his mouth and mouths 'Sorry' to me "Wait, you just turned 16 last month Matt. Oh my gosh... DID YOU HAVE SEX WITH MY GRANDDAUGHTER?!?!" He yells as he turns to me
"Che diavolo pensavi di avere solo 15 anni!"
(What the hell were you thinking, your only 15 in Italian)
"Grandpa I'm sorry, it's just, I think we're old enough to make our own decisions" I tell him as he looks at me "Ok well, seeing as of I went through this struggle with your mom while she was pregnant with you, I accept that your growing up and becoming more independent" I smile "Thank you Papa G" Matt smiles "I'm still watching you Matthew" Grandpa says pointing a finger at him as he nervously laughs and we get to work
Hope u enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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