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Mads and Em get here and I walk downstairs "Hey guys" I hug them as Taylor walks up to us "Hey Jade these your friends?" He asks "Yeah this is Mads and that's Emily" I say "Guys this is Taylor my moms boyfriend" "Oh cool. Nice to meet you Taylor" Emily says as Mom walks out "Hey kiddo, who are your friends?" Mads looks at me then at Mom then back at me and almost faints before Emily catches her "Sorry" I say "No worries, I usually get that response" Mom laughs "Y-your mom is Lady-" "Gaga? Yup the one and only" I laugh as we hear the door and Dylan walks in "You" Taylor points to him "Tay... don't please" Mom tells him as Dylan walks up to me "You must be Jade's mom and stepdad I'm Dylan and I want your permission to take your daughter out to a party tonight" He says "I guess that will be alright" Taylor says "Thanks- woah are the ra ra chick?" He asks Mom as she laughs "I prefer 'Lady Gaga' but that works" she says "Bad Romance will always be a timeless song" Mads adds "So... we'll be back by 10" Dylan says as we walk out of the room
Time skip.......
We walk inside "Imma get drinks ok?" Dylan asks as I nod "Drink water ok? Don't give in. Alcohols bad" Mads says as I laugh "I know" as Dylan hands me a drink I drink it "What the fuck is this?" "Beer" he says "It's good" I say "I'm gonna go over there" Mads says as she walks away Dylan kisses me and rubs my thigh "What are you doing?" I ask "You wanna go upstairs?" He asks smirking "I gotta go Dylan" I tell him trying to get away but his grip is firm on my wrist "Dylan let go" I say "You're hurting me" "Babe please" He says "Dylan stop it ok I gotta go" I walk away and run out of the room back to my apartment
Time skip..........
I run inside crying "Baby what's wrong?!" Mom yells running towards me and hugging me "I'm sorry Mom I- I tried it, and I- Dylan tried to- I just ran away I didn't k-know what t-to do" I say "Ok ok honey calm down what did you try?" She asks "Beer" I say "Jade... why?" She asks "Dylan gave me the drink and I-I thought it would be cool to-" "Jade Elizabeth, you hear me. It is NEVER cool to drink. Do you understand me?" I nod "He tried to have sex with me" I whisper my mom looks at me "Honey..." she hugs me as Taylor comes in "Oh no do I have to break someone's face?" I laugh "Yeah ya do" I hear a voice say as I see Mads "I knew what was gonna happen. He's done this with a bunch of girls before. Including Em" "Yup. But it was 2 years ago but still" Emily says as she walks up to us "I'm sorry guys" I cry "Jade it's fine" They hug me "Jade. I'm sorry I got pissed at you it's just" Mom starts "Mom I get it ok? Don't give me a lecture" I roll my eyes "Jade I'm not. Baby, I'm just saying to not drink again. Promise me that. I did a bunch of things when I was around your age that I shouldn't have. Drinking underage is dangerous and illegal never try to do it to fit in. If other people think it's cool then whatever. Don't be like them babe, be you. Be the smart lovely amazing daughter I know you are" I smile "I won't be Mom" Taylor walks over to me "Do I need to have a talk with this Dylan character?" He asks as I laugh "I'm not gonna be seeing or talking to him at all. He's 2 years older than me anyway. I shouldn't be involved with him" I admit as my friends nod
"Hey to cheer you up how about tomorrow we go to Grandma and Grandpa's? See them and Aunt Nat?" Mom asks as I nod "I'll like that" I hug her "I love you so much Jade. Don't you ever forget that" I smile "I love you too Mom" I say
Hopefully u liked this imma write the 3rd chapter idk when but hopefully soon lmao

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