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Mom, Taylor and I are headed to Grandpa and Grandma's apartment
We enter the building as Grandma tackles me in a hug "How's my amazing granddaughter?" She asks as I laugh "I'm fine Grandma what about you?" I ask her "I'm good darling. I heard you started high school yesterday how was it?" Grandpa asks coming into the living room where we all are "Pretty good" I shrug as they go to Mom and Taylor "Hi Stefani, how are you" Grandpa says as he hugs her "I'm doing well how are you Dad?" Mom asks "I'm pretty good" "Did you forget about me?" A voice says and we turn to see Aunt Natali "AUNT NAT!" I run up to her "Jade! How are you what's up kiddo?" She asks as she hugs me "I'm pretty good... started high school yesterday" "That's wonderful how was it?" "Good" I say "Uh Mom, Dad can I talk to you for a minute?" Mom asks as they nod and head to the other room
Time skip.......
Stefani's p.o.v.......
"What's up?" My mom asks "Yesterday... or last night... Jade met a guy" I start "Well that's wonderful what happened" Dad tells me "He invited her to a party, where there was alcohol. I'm guessing he got too drunk and started to do things that she found uncomfortable. She ran home crying to me and Tay, two of her friends. Madison and Emily were there, Emily said he tried the same thing to her one time 2 years ago. They helped her" I say trying my best not to cry but it's too late "Oh sweetie" Mom pulls me into a hug "Mom.. I'm scared.. my daughter was almost raped just like I was" I say "It's ok to be afraid honey" Dad tells me as he holds my hand "I don't know if I... I don't know if I should tell Jade... about him or not" I tell my parents "W-what do you think?" "Whatever you decide will be best for her" Dad tells me as I nod "Ok I will" I go to the other room to get my daughter
Time skip.........
Jade's p.o.v......
Mom walks up to me as Aunt Nat and I are talking "Hey sis, can you give us a minute?" Mom asks as Aunt Nat nods and walks away "What's going on Mom? What's wrong?" I ask "Nothing's wrong baby" she says "It's just... remember when I told you I'd tell you about your dad when you're older?" I nod "Well I think it's time" Mom tells me "Who is he? Why have you never told me about him?" I ask "Jade... I'm gonna tell you something very dark, and you have to promise not to freak out or get pissed" "Language Mom" I joke as she rolls her eyes "14 years ago I was 18" "I know how old you are Mom we're 18 years apart""That's not the point honey" she says calmly
She begins to tell me the story
(Insert flashback even though there is none it's just that they do that on AHS.. hahaha ok bye)
"You were- I was- Mom oh my gosh" I tell her hugging her "I hope you understand why I didn't tell you sooner" she says crying "It's a part of me I'm open about and I don't deny... I just didn't know how to tell my own daughter... you're probably mad at me right?" She asks "No Mom I'm mad at him. For doing that. For making you so vulnerable, for breaking and recking you" I cry as I hug her "I couldn't be mad at you for not telling me this" "Thanks J" "Anytime" I say as Taylor walks up to us "She told you?" I nod "You mad?" "I'm mad at him" I tell him "I am too" Taylor tells me and I laugh "Same" Mom says as she hugs me and we go home
So hopefully this chapter went well... I started crying not gonna lie btw it's Luc who's her dad (spoiler alert) Just if u wanna know also if u catch the Diamond Heart reference in there lmk 🤣

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