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The gang and I are in the living room waiting to go to school as Matt's car pulls up and he honks the horn as Mom comes in "Oh come on guys, before ya go give me a hug" she says as we all get up and hug her "Text me if you decide to go anywhere after school ok?" I nod "I will Mom don't worry" I say "Give Matt a Kiss for me" "Mom, he's still scared of the AHS episode, I'm not gonna do that for you, but I'm gonna kiss him because he's my boyfriend" I tell her as she rolls her eyes "Ok" she laughs "Love you J" "Love you too Mom"
Time skip.......
We all run out and get in the car "Heyo!" Mads yells as she climbs in the backseat "A-YO!" I yell "Here We Go!" Matt shouts as we start driving and we all laugh "so what's today's adventure?" Nate asks I groan "School" "I meant after" "Oh uh, wanna check out the Lower East Side? It's where Mom used to live and perform sometimes. From the stories it sounds pretty dope" I suggest "Seriously J, what is with you and your obsession with Brooklyn?" Matt asks "Seriously Matt, What's with your sister and her obsession with my mom?" I fire back "Not a great comeback" Ryan says as I hit him "Hey, your mom's fucking amazing, Maya chose a great person to idolize" Mads points out "So did you"
Time skip......
After 8 long boring hours of school the gang and I are outside the gates of The Convent Of Sacred Heart  getting ready to leave I put my head phones in one ear and start walking with Matt and the gang across the street "Holy shit Jade watch out" Matt says as a car comes rushing by and I fall they all run to me "Jade are you ok?!" Mads yells "Holy shit" Nate panics "Holy shit" "I'm fine, just-" I try to move my arm but I can't "I think My arms broken" "Try moving it again" Matt urges as I nod and it starts to feel better "Still up for Brooklyn?" Emily asks as I smirk "Hell Yeah" "Hey That's my line!" Mads yells at me as we get safely across the street "I swear fucking New Yorkers don't know how to drive" I look at Matt "Hopefully you know how to drive" "I do, I passed my drivers test" he says as I laugh "Ok" I kiss him and he does the same "Guys, we're here" Ryan puts out as I smile "Right" As the guys walk ahead of us and Emily and Mads stay behind with me "Don't deny that you haven't thought about this" Mads says "Maybe a little, but when the time is right" I say "Yeah sure" Emily says as Mads whispers "10 bucks they have sex before the weekend" "I heard that!" I yell as she yells back "Sorry!" I laugh as he all get in Matt's car and I quickly text my mom and we head to Brooklyn
Hope u enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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