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The gang and I are in the living room in my apartment when Taylor and Mom come in, with Mom all dressed up "Oh no you're all dressed up what's happening?" Ryan asks as Taylor laughs "As you all may know, The Haus Of Gaga Museum just opened in Las Vegas, we're going there to surprise some fans and start Enigma back up again" Mom tells us "Ok and?" I ask "And everyone's going. Except your father, but given his new job schedule he'll check in with you guys every hour or so" "Can the gang stay over?" I ask "I don't see why not, it's better than you staying entirely by yourself" Taylor says "Yes!" We all cheer "Before we go to the airport we need to set some ground rules: no going out, no parties, no letting anyone into the apartment besides your dad, no drinking" "Ok" We all nod "So we agree then?" Mom asks as she nods "Ok be safe, behave yourselves little monsters, I love you" they walk out the door
Time skip......
"Yes! We're home alone" Nate says "What do you want to do first?" Mads asks "Watch AHS?" Emily asks "We need some snacks first" Matt says "Mom said we couldn't go out though" I point out "Can I invite Riley?" Nate asks "Sure" I say "Yes! Thanks J!" "How about this: Mads, Emily and I can go to the store while you guys stay here and wait for Riley" Ryan suggests "Ok" Matt says "Matt, can I take your car?" "As long as you don't fuck it up" "Thanks man" Ryan says as he, Mads and Emily walk out the door
Soon enough Riley comes in and they come back "Hey Riles!" Nate says as he kisses her "Hey babe" she says "What we doing?" "Well Jade's parents are out of town so we're kinda just hanging out" "Oh, there was this party I was gonna invite you guys too but never mind" "We can have the party here" I suggest "Really? Thanks I'll tell everyone" she walks away to call people "Everyone?" Nate asks "J are you sure about this?" Matt asks "Can you stop asking me I'm sure? I'm sure about this" "Do you just want her to like you? Is that why you're doing this?" "I'm not, look Matt can you please stop ok? I don't need you to make sure I'm ok, because if you haven't noticed I can take care of myself perfectly fine" I snap as I go up to my room
Time skip.......
A few people come in a couple hours later... and by a couple people I mean a lot "This is a lot of people" Matt comments "You think?" I ask sarcastically "Y'know J, I don't know why so pissed off, all I did was try to help you get out of trouble, not into it!" Matt says "I don't need your advice Matt, I know what I'm doing" "You sure? Cause I don't think you do" "Woah, you're such an asshole. I'm getting a drink" I say as I walk off
Time skip.....
Mads's P.O.V......
It's been 3 hours and now it's 10 PM "Hey you know where Jade is?" Matt asks me worryingly as he runs over "I think I saw her earlier" I say "There's so many people here I couldn't really tell" "She seems pretty pissed though, for no reason" "Maybe she's on her period?" Nate asks "Or maybe she's just being a teenager, she's acting out" Riley suggests "I'm so sorry, I didn't know this many people would show up" "It's ok" Emily says "Yeah it's not your fault you just happened to cause a rager" Ryan says "Not to be mean but can you all shut the hell up? I need to find my girlfriend!" Matt yells crying
We all split up so we can cover more ground, but it's hard to in this crowded apartment soon enough I see Jade on the floor behind the kitchen counter "G-guys" I begin to cry the gang comes running over "Oh my god" Matt runs over to her as we hear a voice and everyone starts to leave all of a sudden "'Oh my god' is right" we all turn to see Jade's dad
Time skip......
"We can explain" I start "Explain later what the hell happened to my daughter?!" He screams as we all jump "Now I know why Stef was so scared of him" Ryan whispers "we don't know, she was really pissed today. Yelled at me, we tried finding her, looked all over the house, we just found her lying here" Matt shutters as I hug him "It's gonna be ok" "She's still breathing" Emily says after she checks a pulse "At least the house is still in sable condition" Lüc mumbles "I'm calling 911" He states
They arrive a few minutes later "What happened?" The paramedic asks "My ex girlfriend and her fiancé went out of town for the night and I came over to watch my daughter and her friends. When I got their my daughter was passed out" "Was there any alcohol involved?" "I don't know, she doesn't like to drink really" "I think there might've been" Matt says "And you are?" "I'm Matt, Jade's boyfriend" "Ok uh, well we'll take Ms. Germanotta to the hospital now to see if she wakes up soon, would you and her father want to ride in the ambulance?" "Ambulance?!" Matt starts to panic as I run over to him "It's gonna be ok" "What if it's not?" "This is Jade we're talking about here, she can handle anything"
Time skip........
Jade's P.O.V.......
I wake up in a weird place I see the gang and my dad "Where am I?" I ask "You're in the hospital honey, do you remember anything?" Dad asks "I-I think I drank too much... my head hurts like hell" "Riley had to go home, but she hopes you feel better" Nate says "Tell her I said thanks... where's Matt?" "He's in the cafeteria getting you something to eat just in case you woke up and were hungry" Mads says as she hugs me "We were so worried about you" "you got yourself a good boyfriend Jade, better than what I could ever be to your mom" Dad says "He stayed by your side this whole time, until I had to convince him to go to the cafe because I knew you would probably be hungry when you woke up" "Aww how long was I out for?" I ask "3 hours" Mads says as Matt runs in the room "Jade!" He kisses me as he climbs on the hospital bed "Please lets keep this PG, I don't want my daughter to lose her virginity on a hospital bed" Dad says as the gang stiffs a laugh "I missed you so much, I was so worried" "I know you were babe, I'm sorry I was so mad at you, I just feel miserable with my.. y'know" "I knew it!" Nate yells as we stare at him "What? I was right" "How long do I have to stay in here "Don't be mad but I called Natali and we're gonna be spending the night at her place, it took a long time but I finally convinced her not to call Stefani" Mads says "Good, so she already signed the paperwork?" Matt asks "Yup" "Yayyy" we jump out of the hospital bed and all leave "By the way Dad, we've had sex before" "MATTHEW!" Dad screams "Looks like you have another Taylor to be afraid of" Emily jokes as Matt looks horrified "Run, just run" he runs off "We'll meet you in the car!" I yell after him "Ok! He yells back
Hope u enjoyed this chapter, wrote a long one to make up for the days that I didn't update. Don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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