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My friends and I are at our lockers getting ready to leave school after staying after school for choir practice and basketball as Nate runs up to us "Guys! Guys! Guys! There's this party tonight, ya wanna go?" "Ok uh, stop talking so fast" Mads laughs "Ok" Nate tries again "There's this party a couple kids are throwing tonight, wanna go?" "Sure why not?" I say "Ya sure J? You're not really the party scene type" Emily says  "Well, there's a first time for everything" I smirk as we walk out the doors of Sacred Heart and out on to East 91st and 5th Ave "Isn't it dope we have school like on 5th Ave?" Emily asks as Ryan rolls his eyes "Only you'd say that" "What's wrong with shopping?" Mads asks "You always drag us to places and it's really annoying" Matt tells Mads, Emily and I as we get to our apartment
Time skip........
We open the door "Hey, we're gonna go" Nate and Emily say "But text us what they say" "Ok" I say as we see Mom "Hey" I say "Hey kiddo" "Can I go to a party tonight?" I ask "I don't know Jade" "We'll be with her, Stefani. It's really not a problem, plus it's a Saturday night. Please" Mads begs "as Mom rolls her eyes "You kids are gonna be the death of me.... ok fine, but be home by midnight. I'm gonna talk to Taylor about this, do you need us to drive you?" "Thanks Mom but Matt's Mom is gonna drop us off" "Ok... well have fun" she smiles at us "Will do" I say as Mom leaves and Matt texts the others "Ok let's go" Mads tells us "It starts now?" Matt asks "Yeah it's 6:30" "Oh"
Time skip......
We meet up with Emily and Nate and Matt's mom drops us off at the party "Woah, this place is huge" I mumble "Imma get drinks!" Nate tells and runs over to the table where the drinks are "Thanks, but no thanks N" I say as I shake my head "Oh come on J" He says handing it to me "Ok fine" I say as I drink it "I'm getting another!" I yell as I run across the table and get another "This is gonna be harder than we thought" Mads whispers to Matt
Matt's P.O.V.......
It's been about 5 hours since we've been here and Jade is a drunk mess. We're currently all in a bedroom trying to come up with a solution "We can't take her home like this, we just can't" Ryan says "You think? Dude, Stefani's gonna kill me" I panic "Or Taylor" Mads mumbles "Not helping!" I shout "Stop yelling your making my ears hurt" we hear Jade say as she starts playing with my hair "You smell good" "Out of all of us to get drunk first it was to be Jade? Why? Just why?" I tell them "My little innocent girlfriend" I mumble holding her as she lays her head on her shoulders "Drinks yayyyy!" Jade yells as she practically crawls towards our drinks "No, no, no" Mads picks up her drink as Jade pouts "Meaney!" "I'm not being mean J, I'm keeping you from getting hurt" Mads defends herself "Come on let's take her home" I say "Nate, Ryan grab her legs. Mads, Emily grab her arms. I'll grab her head" they all look at how "To make sure she doesn't hit anything" "Oh" everyone else says
Time skip.....
We're all walking back to Jade's apartment, once we get there we open the door "wait what time is it?" Mads asks "1 am" Nate answers panicking "Oh shit" I say as we walk in Jade's apartment
Time skip....
We see Taylor and Stefani walk in through the kitchen "You all are late" Stefani says sternly "By an hour" Emily tells her sighing "What's wrong with Jade?" Taylor says as Jade crawls out of my arms and into the bathroom "I don't feel good" she says after she throws up "That's what" I say pointing to Jade as she crawls back to me "She's drunk! What the hell guys?! You were supposed to look after her!" Stefani yells "She only had two drinks" "Her body's not immune to alcohol, even 1 drink could send her over the edge-" Mads starts singing 'Edge Of Glory' "NOT THE TIME MADISON" Stefani yells as we all jump and Jade tightens her grip on her leg "Protect me from the scary lady" she whimpers as I nod "We're sorry" Mads says "We are never letting you go to a party again" Taylor says pointing a finger at us "Noted" Nate says "Um, Ms Germanotta, Mr Kinney?" I ask "Oh no Matt, what is it?" "Can I stay with Jade tonight? Just until she sobers up?" "Ok fine" Taylor says "But just this once" he says as I smile "Thanks" I say
Hope u all enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think! And shoutout to ohmygaga2001 for helping me come up w/ this idea!

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