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After the sleepover, the others go home and I walk to my Mom's room
"Hey Mom?" I ask "Yes baby?" She answers "Can I hang out with the gang tonight? We gonna go to the movies" I say "Sure. What will you be seeing?" She asks "The Beguiled" I say
A/N: Ik I put that movie in basically all of my books but honestly idk what movies r out lmao)
"Isn't that rated R?" She asks as I slowly nod "Oh well in that case.... you're not going" I roll my eyes "Come on Mom please" I beg "No. I've made my decision" "Mom-" "You're not going to the movies tonight. End of discussion" She says sternly as she walks away
Time skip.......
I walk to my room when I get a text from the GC
Nate: yo we're all outside ur apartment should we knock on the door
Jade: don't bother moms not fucking letting me go
Em: great so im guessing u told her what movie we're seeing instead of lying?
Jade: em u know I can't get anything past my mom
Mads: good point that woman is like a hawk.. well a celebrity hawk
Ry-guy: 😂 that's kinda true tho u have to admit
Matt: so what r we gonna do now? U gonna sneak out?
Jade: u think I'm not gonna go to the movies w/ my bf and bffs? Hell yeah I'm sneaking out
Matt: u sure that's a good idea
Mads: ^^
Jade: I'll be fine guys. Meet me at my bedroom window
Em: kk c u soon good luck
Jade: thx I'll need it
I walk towards my bedroom window and climb out of it and meet my friends
Time skip........
We all walk to the movies
After about 2 hours later we start to head home I feel my phone buzz in my pocket
13 missed calls from Mom
28 missed calls from Taylor
One text from Mom
One text from Taylor
Mom: Jade Elizabeth, you better get the fuck back here before I send out Peter to track you down
Taylor: Jade I don't know where the hell you are but you better get back here before your mom calls peter and the cops!!
"Shit" I mumble "I think they know where I am" I tell my friends "I gotta go back" "We'll walk you" Nate says "I knew this was a bad idea" Ryan tells me "Then why did you let me go through with it?" I ask "I wanted to see what would happen" he stated as I roll my eyes as we get to my apartment "You guys should go. It's best for all of us if you don't see my mom like this. I'll text you how it goes after" I tell them as they nod and leave "Good luck babe" Matt hugs me before he leaves and I open the door scared on what I'm about to face......
Time skip.......
"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?!" Mom screams at me as I jump "At the movies?" I ask "You snuck out" she states "Uh yeah I did" "You had me worried sick" she rants as I nod "You don't care do you?" She asks crying "I'm sorry I just wanted some independence ok Mom?!" I yell "Well guess what Jade. Sometimes independence is too much to handle and you go out of your way to act like every fucking adult in the world" she tells me "When I was your age all I ever wanted was independence. And I got it... when I got it... it started going downhill from there and I started doing things I shouldn't have. I started acting out and sneaking out like you are now!" She yells at me "Jade... listen to your mother please" Taylor says quietly "I'm sorry ok?!" I say "What more do you want from me?!" "I want you to learn from you mistakes and realize that you are better than that" Mom tells me "I realize that but this was a one time thing" I tell her "Hopefully it is. Now I'm gonna be nice and let you off the hook this time but if you ever do something like this again there will be consequences. Do you understand me Jade?" Mom asks me as I nod and hug me "I do. I'm sorry Mom I should've listened to you" she hugs me "It's ok baby. So tell me about your night" she says as we sit on the couch "It was good... oh uh me and Matt are uh dating by the way" I tell her nervously as she smiles "I support that" she says as she hugs me
Hope u all liked this chapter don't forget to vote and comment what u think

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