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Taylor and I are in the living room waiting for the gang to get here so we can surprise my mom for her 33rd birthday "Do you think this'll work?" I ask Taylor as he shrugs holding the balloons that he bought the night before "She's a pretty heavy sleeper, so probably" "You sure about that Mr K?" We turn around to see the gang holding a cake "You kids gotta stop worrying and trust me when I say I got this all in control" "We brought cake!" Matt says "I see that" I state as he kisses me "Hey babe thanks for coming" "Anytime, Stefani's like a 2nd Mom to all of us, we wouldn't miss this for the world" I smile "Well I'm sure that'll mean a lot to her" "Taylor is Breakfast all set?" I ask as he goes in the kitchen sand gets the breakfast on the tray table "Great, now let's go up, one at a time, and carefully, also quietly" Emily says as Nate smirks "We all know how to walk up the steps dumbass"
Time skip.......
We get to Mom and Taylor's room and quietly open the door and start singing 'Happy Birthday' Mom gets up and smiles as Taylor hands her the Breakfast in Bed "Thanks baby" Mom kisses him "Anytime sweetheart" "Ew" I state "Oh shut up it's not like you and Matt don't do it" Mom mocks "Don't Kiss! She meant don't kiss!" Taylor yells at us as we all jump and then laugh
A few hours later we decided we wanted to go to get some lunch "Joanne's? See grandma and grandpa and Aunt Nat? We can invite the Haus" Mom suggests "Won't that be too many people though?" Taylor asks as Mom playfully hits him "It's my birthday and I can invite as many people as I want to!" She yells "Ok damn don't go all Gaga on me" Taylor says as I roll my eyes as Mads starts to sing 'Monster' "Whyyyyy?!" Matt groans "You got her started" I state as we all laugh "But honestly, happy birthday legend" Mads says as we all put our paws up "Awww thanks guys" Mom starts crying as she hugs us once more "Ok let's head to Joanne's" Taylor says as we all head out of the apartment and on our way to Joanne Trattoria
Hope u enjoyed this chapter, I wrote it a day early 😂 but honestly HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOTHER MONSTER omg I've idolized u since '09 and I'd never look back on it. You've always inspired me to be the best person I could be and for that I thank you so much, now I could probably write a whole fucking paragraph about u if I could, but if I did this chapter would be WAYYYY too long! So imma just say this: Happy Birthday Legend! I love u so much Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, I'm so glad that u we're Born This Way and Born on this Day!
Little Monster paws up!

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