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"Jade! Wake up your gonna be late!" I hear Taylor scream from downstairs as I groan and get changed
(Outfit above)
And reluctantly walk downstairs "What?" I ask annoyed "Breakfast" Mom says putting the plate of eggs in front of me "and where the hell do you think you're going looking like that?" She demands "School. Gotta make a good impression right?" I smirk as Mom scoffs "Yeah an impression that would get you expelled. Now go upstairs now and get changed immediately" "No" I say "Excuse me?" "You wore nothing but bikinis when you were performing in 2008, why can't I wear this?" "I was 25, young and stupid then and I made a horrible example for you and for that I'm sorry. But I'm certainly not letting my 15 year old daughter walking the streets of New York looking like a-" "Like a what?" "Its 40 degrees out J, wear something a little less revealing" I roll my eyes "Fine" I say as I go back upstairs and change into

"Ya Happy now?" I ask Mom as I walk back downstairs "What's with all the black?" Taylor asks coming in the room "Trying to be more outgoing with my fashion choices" I tell him looking at Mom "Fine, you know what Jade, go to school like that, if yo...

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"Ya Happy now?" I ask Mom as I walk back downstairs "What's with all the black?" Taylor asks coming in the room "Trying to be more outgoing with my fashion choices" I tell him looking at Mom "Fine, you know what Jade, go to school like that, if you get in trouble it's on you. I'm not helping anymore" "Yeah ok" I say as I walk out the door
Time skip....
I walk into school just as the late bell rings
I go to my locker to find Matt waiting for me "What's with all the black? Going for a new look or being rebellious?" He asks as I laugh "Both I guess. Hey, do you wanna skip? That'll definitely piss Stefani off" "Jade are you sick or something?" Matt asks "Let's go to Joanne's, I'm hungry. Ohh yet again, maybe Brooklyn? There's this thing I wanna check out" Matt looks at me "Jade Seriously are you ok? This isn't the Jade I know, how about this?" He kisses me "Feel the same now?" I smirk "Yeah sure" I say "Ok, uh, hey Nate!" Matt yells as he sees Nate about to go to the bathroom "What's up?" "Its Jade" "Did she get drunk again?" Nate asks "I'm right here dumbass so no I'm not" I tell him "Woah J, what's with the outfit?" "Stop asking that, damn can we just go to Brooklyn already?" I ask "Yeah man, she's not like herself. Jade, what's wrong?" "I'm fine guys. I'm just feeling rebellious y'know? What every teenager goes through at one point or another, I know my mom had her time" I tell him we hear footsteps coming our way "Let's go" I whisper as we quickly hide in the janitors closet "What are we doing? It's either class or outta here" Nate says "Quick stop in Brooklyn. Please, for me?" I pout "Ok let's go" "We have to get passed Savino" "Already on it" Matt says as he walks outside and yells "Come on guys let's go!" As Nate and I run out of the closet we end up getting out of school and going to Brooklyn
Hope u guys enjoy this. Updating part 2 in a couple days don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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