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I wake up the next morning with a killer hangover as I walk down to the kitchen as Mom puts a plate of eggs, a Tylenol and some water next to me "How ya feeling baby girl?" She asks "Like shit" I mumble "I know the feeling" Mom tells me "How'd grandma and grandpa react?" "Oh, let me tell you, they were pissed" Mom laughs and I smile "Oh, your fathers coming today" "What? You didn't tell me, I'm not even ready!" I exclaim "I didn't know either, he set it up. He's gonna be here in a minute" I nod and run upstairs "Oh Jade?" Mom asks "Yeah?" "Matt's in the living room" "Ok" I say as I walk into the living room "Hey" he says "Hey" I say back "I'm sorry for last night" I say as he laughs "It's not everyday you take your drunk girlfriend home and explain to her parents what happened" "Was it really that bad?" "You were hanging all over me like a dog and you were hiding from your mom, you said, and I quote: 'Protect me from the scary lady'" "Oh my gosh" I laugh "Where are the others?" I ask "They had to leave but they hoped you felt better. I just figured I'd stay with you until you woke up" "That's for staying with me" I tell him "You're welcome" he kisses me as we hear a knock on the door and Mom comes in "I'm gonna have to have a conversation with you two about sex" she rolls her eyes and opens the door to reveal Lüc
Time skip.......
Lüc walks in the door "Hey Jade" he smiles "H-hi d-dad" I say "Are you ok?" He asks coming over and hugging me "She's recovering from a hangover" Matt puts in "Little wild child in ya, huh? Just like your mother" I stiffin a laugh "and you must be Matt, Jade's told me a lot about you" "Hi, you must be Jade's dad" he shakes his hand "Lüc" Dad  introduces "Hey J, I'm gonna go, it was nice to meet you Lüc" "Likewise" he says as Matt walks out "Hi guys" Mom walks in "Hi Lüc" "Stefani, What's up?" "Well, last night I found my almost 15 year old daughter got drunk for the first time at her first high school party but other than that I'm pretty good" Lüc laughs "She's got a wild spirit, like you had when you were her age" I laugh "I remember" Mom laughs "Hopefully she follows my love for performing and not my rebellious era" I laugh "Mom, I already told you I'm not, Grandma and Grandpa said the gang and I can perform in the Joanne Trattoria after working, plus I can always go to The Bitter End" I say "You work now?" Dad asks I nod "Wow, I missed a lot" I scoff "in 14 years a lot of shit happens" I say as Dada bursts out laughing "Hey, she inherited your dirty mouth!" Mom rolls her eyes "Shut up" "Sorry but it's true" "Hopefully she doesn't sneak out like you did" Dad says "Oh trust me she already has, and skipped school a couple times. The other day she went to the Bitter End during school" "Pretty badass" Lüc high- fives me "Thanks" I laugh
Hope u enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think! Also thanks again ohmygaga2001 for helping me!

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