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The gang and I are walking out of The Convent Of The Sacred Heart after a long boring 8 hours of school "Wanna hang at Central Park?" Nate asks to us as we're heading to Matt's car in the schools parking lot "Sure, hey guess what" Matt says pulling out a guitar as I open my mouth to say something "got it from music class before we left, thought we might need it" I smile and kiss him "You're fucking amazing thank you!" I yell as I tackle him again in a hug as he almost falls "Woah ok" "Easy J" Mads says to me as I roll my eyes and Ryan smirks "We ready to rock?!" "HELL YEAH" we all yell as we quickly drive away to Central Park
Time skip.............
We're at Central Park and we decide to set up our gear on the one big rock we climb up "testing, testing 1,2" Emily says into the mic near the edge "Uh hey everyone uh I'm Jade and this is my gang" everyone stops to listen in the commotion of the park "We're gonna play some songs for you today, let's start off with an original"
We start playing 'One In A Million Times'
Everyone starts clapping as we start the next song: Avril Lavigne's 'Here's To Never Growing Up'
Music Video up above
We start playing The Pretty Reckless' 'Under The Water'

Lyric video up above
When we're done everyone claps as we all get done from the rock and we bow and exit the park
Hope u enjoyed this chapter long time not updating busy w/ school and shit bear w/ me don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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