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I'm sitting in History with Mads and Ryan when Mr Roman walks up from his desk to the front of the room "Ok guys, we've been talking about culture for a couple weeks, now time for presentations" he announces as we all groan "I'm not excited for this" Mads whispers "Same" I mumble "I feel ya. I hate presentations" Ryan says as I laugh "Is there something amusing Miss Germanotta?" He says as everyone looks at me "Uh... no, I'm just really excited for presentations?" I say but it sounds like a question "Oh, well it that case, you can present first" he says motioning me to the front of the classroom
"Sure" I say nervously as I get up "Good luck J" Mads and Ryan say as I smile and walk up
"Well, anyone who's a fan of my mom is probably tired of hearing this but, I'm Italian!" Mads starts laughing and I smile "My great,great grandparents immigrated from Italy to New York where they had my grandpa and my great aunt Joanne, who died when she was only 19 because of the autoimmune disease Lupus... but I'm sure ya guys already knew that" My class laughs "I'm also of French and Canadian descent. My grandma's maiden name was Bissett, she married an Italian man, my grandpa, Joe, whose last name is Germanotta, they had my mom on March 28th, 1986 and my Aunt Natali on March 10th, 1992, which makes my mom, 32 and my aunt, 26 then my mom had me when she was 18 and I was born on February 19th, 2004 which makes me 14. And yeah that's my history" I laugh as I go back to my seat
"Very well done presentation, Miss Germanotta" I smile "Thank you" I say as the bell rings and we get up and leave
Time skip......
Matt and Emily are standing outside the door "Are you guys like stalkers or something?" Ryan asks "No... but we did hear your presentation, good job Jade" Emily says "Thanks Em" I smile "Where's Nate?" "On the other side of the building, he has Math" "Oh ok... well let's go get him" Mads as we walk to Nate's class
When we get there Nate walks out the door "Well I got a 'B' on the test" he shows it to us "High five! That's good" Matt says "Yeah.... so how's the lovebirds going?" I roll my eyes "Good" "Hey can we go shopping on 5th Ave?" Emily asks "No" Nate groans "Anything but shopping" Emily laughs "I was joking you dumbass" "I don't think you were" Matt tells her as he looks at me "Grand Central?" I nod "I know a perfect place and it has fried chicken and waffles written all over it" I say "Ya do realize Grand Centrals an hour away? I'm not walking an hour again" Nate tells me as I roll my eyes "You're never forgetting about that are you?" I ask "Well we gotta spend our free period doing something" Ryan tells me "You think I don't know that? We can't just sit here" "Back to the apartment?" I ask "If we do can we watch 'Vampire Diaries' and cry of how Mason dies?" Mads asks we all look at her "What? He's hot and I didn't wanna see him die that way" "Gross. That's my Mom's boyfriend" I say "Wait Taylor plays him? I didn't know that. Oops" Mads mumbles "Back to the apartment it is then" I say "Ok" Matt says as we walk out the Scared Heart doors and onto 5th Avenue
Hope u enjoy this chapter don't forget to vote and comment what u thought!

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