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My friends and I are walking through the halls when we see Dylan "Oh no" I say as I turn to the others "I'm not doing this" "Yes you are" Nate says "Em did the exact same thing 2 years ago. You'll be fine" "What if I'm not?" I ask "We'll be with you" Mads tells me as I smile as Dylan comes up to us "Hey people" he says as he looks at me "Hey Jade" "Dylan" I say "What's with the harsh tone babe?" He asks as I roll my eyes "Stop calling me that. Just quit you little games already. We already fucking know what we're up against" I tell him "I know what I'm up against and I know what I'm gonna do to stop you" "What? Oh let me guess did your mom put you up to this? Googoo was it? Her and what army?" I roll my eyes "Ok 1: it's Gaga. 2: leave my mom out of this. 3: this is not a battle isn't it?" I ask "Oh Jade. If it was a battle... even if you fought you wouldn't win" Dylan smirks "You sure bout that?" I ask "Obviously. I would win between a bitch and a s**t" (hate that damn word) Dylan tells me "What did you just say?" I ask walking up to him "Oh let me explain.. you're a bitch and your moms a-" I turn to Ryan "Someone better hold me back before I punch him in the face" I tell him as the others run up to me "Can I do it?" Emily asks I nod as she walks up to him and slaps him in the face "I've been waiting 2 years to do that" I laugh "Games over Dyl. We win" Ryan says to him "Yeah?" He asks "Yeah" I finish as I push him and he falls as our principal walks up "What on Earth is going on in here?" Principal Daniels asks "Jade punched me" Dylan says "I didn't! He's fucking lying!" I yell "Language Ms Kinney" I smile "Germanotta actually. They're engaged not married" I say "Whatever. My office NOW" I roll my eyes and walk over to his office
Time skip...........
Principal Daniels calls my mom so she's heading over "I came as soon as I could" Mom says "I had to rehearse" She whispers to me "What happened? What she do?" "Mom I didn't do anything" I say "Yes she did actually. She punched a student in the face" my moms face turns bright red "JADE ELIZABETH MARIE GERMANOTTA" she tells then realizes the principal is right there "Sorry" as the principal smiles "I'll be taking Jade home now. Thank you for your time. And I am so sorry for the trouble she has caused
Time skip............
"What the fuck did you think you were doing?" Mom shouts as we walk through the front door as Taylor walks in "Yeah... uh yelling is your thing so..." he runs out of the room "Defending myself? Isn't that what I'm supposed to do?!" I yell back "Violence is never the answer to anything Jade. I'm sure you know that and I'm sure you know that I did not raise you to act like this" She says "Mom I believe when I'm offended I did to protect myself ok? And I did against someone I was so scared to face after everything. Didn't you and Taylor raise me to be that way? I say "I believe we raised you not to have violence in this house" She says "Now. You're grounded for 3 weeks. Give me your phone" "It was Dylan" I say "What?" "Emily slapped Dylan in the face and I pushed him down. He called me a bitch and you a sl*t. I had to protect us. That's what you always taught me. To protect others I care about and I did. I protected you Mom" I tell her "Baby I-I'm so sorry. I should've listened to you before I yelled. I'm kinda still new at this Mom thing" I laugh "It's fine. I get it" I say as Taylor walks in "Is the yelling over? What even happened?" He asks "Jade punched Dylan because he called me a sl*t and her a bitch" Mom states "Jade honey-" Taylor looks disappointed but then hugs me "I am so proud of you" "Thanks Tay" I say as I laugh "Also Mom you are not having my phone. Unless you wanna find your albums everywhere" "Noted. But I'll take that chance" I roll my eyes as I go to my room
Time skip......
It's close to midnight and I am watching AHS Hotel as Mom comes in "Mom? You're not gonna slash my throat in my sleep are you?" I ask as she laughs "No I'm not" she says as she sits down "Now move over I wanna watch me" She says as I roll my eyes and laugh while we keep on watching AHS
Hopefully u like this chapter. I was kinda scared to write it 🤣 the fact that Jade confronts Dylan... I didn't know how to write that w/out making it sound semi stupid af 😂bye guys

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