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The gang, Bradley, Mom and I go outside and walk to a dock where they do all kinds of water sports, we all decide to go jet skiing.
Once we get into the place and register in the private section we all get on 4 different jet skis.
Matt and I on one, Mads and Nate on another one, Ryan and Emily on one, and Mom and Bradley on the last one.
Before we know it we are already heading out of the dock and into the water
Time skip......
"Ok I can't believe you lied and said you were 16" Emily laughs to Nate as he nods "I lie about my age all the time to use a fake ID" "Don't let my mom hear that" I tell him "Wouldn't wanna get Stef angry" Mads adds "She scares me when she's angry, even if she is my idol and I worship her, she scares me sometimes" "She's like that. It's like she turns into the Countess" Ryan says "Hey, I wouldn't go that far" Matt tells him as I laugh and turn to him "Please don't go too fast" he turns to the others "Do I drive fast?" the others say a bunch of "no's" and "yeahs" in unison "Ok see ya in a little bit!" I yell to the others "No don't go too fa-" Matt speeds up "I fucking hate you" I yell as I spit water out of my mouth when we stop "I love you too" he says "Hold on tight"
About an hour has passed and we're done and on our way home
Hope u enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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